The Seven Pillars of Ismailism?

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The Seven Pillars of Ismailism?

Post by prince_visram »

I am just wondering how they came about and why I don't know of them. Are they only applicable to the Druze sect?
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Post by znanwalla »

There is USOOLAT e DEEN and then there is FUROOAT e DEEN

In reality the arguments between Sunni/Sh'ia has never been settled and still goes on unfortunately.

The Ismaili Pillars of Faith (Usoolat e Deen) are :


The concept of ADL & QIST does not exist in Sunni Islam as far as I know.

For the Sh'ias the concept of ADL is important and save the TAWHID, all other pillars would be weak without the notion of Justice and there would be chaos and confusion.....the Sh'ia position is that because Allah is JUST he has given IMAMAT to mankind .

Then the Ismailis have Articles of Faith (Furooat e Deen) - commonly known as "shariah", the Law !

The first article of faith is KALIMAH (declaration of our faith); the second is Bai'at; third is Du'a (Salat) and Wudzoo is included under the article of Salat ; then there is Dasond; Saum (Fasting); JIHAD and HAJJ.....

I think the above should help one understand why there is sometimes confusion prevailing and people tend to say that Ismailis do not do this or that.....they should look at the entire practice and then draw conclusions....

The twin virtues of tolerance and forbearance are so essential to society
that Islam deems it obligatory for all Muslims to observe the rules of good
conduct so as to preserve unity among humankind.

Islam thus forbids slander, sarcasm, backbiting and fault-finding, in order to minimize dissension and strengthen brotherly and sisterly relationships in the community. Thus it is the duty of every Muslim to observe the rights of others and to refrain from insulting and humiliating them.

In Sura Hujurat (verse 11) of the Qur’an, we are taught that God Almighty
forbids Lamz (the Arabic word for piercing and stabbing), which in this
context means finding fault in others.

This is a very appropriate analogy, since fault-finding or back-biting behaviors are like piercing the recipients with a sword or stabbing them with a dagger.

In fact, wounds inflicted by the tongue can be far more lasting than physical ones. As the poet said: "The wounds of blades may heal one day, but the wounds of the tongue? They never may."
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Post by kmaherali »

According to Shia interpretation as articulated by Imam Muhammad al Baqir, Islam is based upon seven pillars:
1. Walaya (Devotion to the Imam) and this is the most excellent; and through it and the Imam, the true knowledge of faith can be obtained.
2. Tahara (Ritual purity)
3. Sala (Prayer)
4. Zaka (Poor tax)
5. Sawm (Fasting)
6. Hajj (Pilgrimage)
7. Jihad( Holy war)

The following are the seven pillars of religious law and their esoteric meaning as explained by Nair Tusi in the "Tasawwurat".

1. Cleanliness (taharat) - to dissociate oneself from previous religions and traditions.
2. Confession of faith (Shahadat) - to know God through Himself.
3. Prayer (Namaz) - to be always speaking about recognition of God.
4. Fasting (Sawm) - to speak with the followers of falsehood using precautionary dissimulation (taqiyyah) in order to maintain continual fasting.
5. Charity (Zakat) - to give to other brothers in religion part of that which God, the Exalted, has given you.
6. Pilgrimage (hajj) - to abandon this temporal world and seek the eternal abode (of the hereafter).
7. Holy war (jihad) - to annihilate oneself in the essence of God, the Exalted.
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Post by znanwalla »

There will always be differences amongst sects or different schools of least two ismaili scholars have maintained the same position which i have stated earlier on.....

Ismaili cosmogony starts with the belief in ONE transcendent entity or being whose nature is beyond all comprehension and understanding...all Prophets preached and brought the same message of TAWHID....

Allah says " Obey GOD ! Obey the Prophet ! and Obey the Olil Amr !!! God through HIS own act and voilition created the Universe by ordering it to "BE" ! and then issued a decree (AMR) which flowed out of HIM again through HIS own act and voilition and so all life and everything has its source in this "element" and Allah has created a "hierarchy" and it begins with Allah Himself as being the "inexplicable" and transcendent ONE and whilst there are inter related parts with no seperation, they all formulate a well connected and ordered "cosmos" which is rational and is complementary to each other.....but its source is ALLAH !

And in this cosmogony there is a logical order constituting a hierarchy in which the "Universal" always dominates and so the primal voilition of God obviously comes first as it contains everything and the same hierarchy applies to other spiritual realms and aspects....TAWHID comes first based on this argument !
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Post by zznoor » least two ismaili scholars have maintained the same position which i have stated earlier on.....
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Post by znanwalla »

ZZNoor, Your traditions are not of the Prophet ! they are of the medieval past - weak is the chain of those who warrant its truth !... The rites you hold so sacred are but a cheat contrived by your ancestors and Mullahs...they merely lusted after wealth and they gained their lust and they eventually died in baseness and their law is dust ! do wow !

4: [58] Allah doth command you to render back your Trusts to those to whom they are due; and when ye judge between man and man, that ye judge with justice: verily how excellent is the teaching which He giveth you! for Allah is He Who heareth and seeth all things....and yet ADL & QIST is not a pillar of your faith ! do wow please !

Imam Ali says: " when a problem is put before any of them (means your scholars/mutjahids)he passes judgment on it from his IMAGINATION.

When exactly the same problem is placed before another of them he passes an opposite verdict.......then they go to their chief who had appointed them and he confirms all the verdicts..although their Allah is One and the same; their Prophet is One and the same and their Book is it that Allah ordered them to differ and they obeyed him?...?"

2:[69] Then to eat of all the produce (of the earth), and find with skill the spacious paths of its Lord: there issues from within their bodies a drink of varying colours, wherein is healing for men: verily in this is a Sign for those who give thought !!! ...

What is the Quran saying? so tell me ....are grapes "haram"? - it produces Wine? so why is wine haram if it comes from grapes?....why so many of you prefer to live in Western countries? the welfare benefits you lap with both your hands comes from where? taxes collected from which kinds of businesses? let me give you some examples....liquor stores ; rub parlours ; pornography etc then are these benefits "halal" or "haram? wow first and let me know and I will ask more questions which you will love....or next time don't mock at me......
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Post by zznoor »

Your traditions are not of the Prophet ! they are of the medieval past - weak is the chain of those who warrant its truth !... The rites you hold so sacred are but a cheat contrived by your ancestors and Mullahs...they merely lusted after wealth and they gained their lust and they eventually died in baseness and their law is dust ! do wow !
Where is Pardesi?

Have you ever heard " Those who live in glass houses should not throw stones at others houses"

You are a nice example of Agakhani plurality.
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Post by Admin »

Keep the debate to the point, please do not digress in personal disputes that have no value for other readers.

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Post by pardesi »

zznoor wrote:
Your traditions are not of the Prophet ! they are of the medieval past - weak is the chain of those who warrant its truth !... The rites you hold so sacred are but a cheat contrived by your ancestors and Mullahs...they merely lusted after wealth and they gained their lust and they eventually died in baseness and their law is dust ! do wow !
Where is Pardesi?

Have you ever heard " Those who live in glass houses should not throw stones at others houses"

You are a nice example of Agakhani plurality.
Dear ZZnoor,

Are you seriously interested in a debate? Or are you here for mockery? Now lets not waste precious real estate here and get to the point.
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Post by shiraz.virani »

According to Shia interpretation as articulated by Imam Muhammad al Baqir, Islam is based upon seven pillars:
1. Walaya (Devotion to the Imam) and this is the most excellent; and through it and the Imam, the true knowledge of faith can be obtained.
2. Tahara (Ritual purity)
3. Sala (Prayer)
4. Zaka (Poor tax)
5. Sawm (Fasting)
6. Hajj (Pilgrimage)
7. Jihad( Holy war)
i completely agree with brother meherali.

WALAYA is the first and foremost pillar of ismailism without which no ismaili can claim to be an ismaili muslim , for the simple fact that there cannot be any tawhid if the person doesnt have any love for Allah[swt] , rasool [saw] and imams[as]

Nothing has been called to the way dynamic loving (walayah) has been called to.

Of the seven activities that form the foundation, walayah (dynamic loving) is the first and foremost foundation. While the more often heard hadith mentions the foremost as the shahadah, there is not really a conflict between these two traditions, but this shall be explained later.

First let us understand what walayah is. Walayah denotes the activity of coming or working to be in the closest possible proximity to something. If one has walayah with another, then the two things are so close as to be almost inseparable.

Walayah really denotes two activities that take place due to this relationship of being so close. The first activity is that of pure loving, affection, attachment and intimacy. This kind of love can be between two people such as parent and child or husband and wife. The second activity is that of comforting – providing aid, assistance, guidance and support. This activity can also be between two people, but at an uneven level. For example, a parent may provide comfort aid, assistance, guardianship and guidance as love to a child, but the child can respond lovingly but not equally, not with the same kind of activity. Instead the child who responds positively does so with loyalty, allegiance, devotion and obedience.

God gives walayah to those who would receive it. For example, in the Qur’an it says, “Allah is the Comforter (doer or giver of Walayah) of those who are dynamically faithful (receivers and responders of walayah - believers); He extracts them from all manner of darkness into light….” (2:257)

Someone who does walayah is called a waliyy. “Waliyyu Allah” is a phrase that describes a devotee, intimate follower and lover of Allah. People who are such lovers of God are mentioned in the Qur’an also: “ Indeed! The devotees of Allah (Waliyyu Allah) will have no fear upon them nor will they grieve.” (10:62)

So, the reason why there is no real conflict between the two different forms of the tradition is that the Shahada is a manifestation and application of walayah. When someone bears witness that God is their waliyy, that person is acknowledging his or her role in the relationship to respond with allegiance and obedience. In the shahada we witness that God is the ultimate source of love, comfort, guardianship and authority and is deserving of allegiance, service and adoration. He is the ultimate and true waliyy of us all. At the same time, one is pledging one's love, allegiance, loyalty and obedience to this ultimate source of true love. One also acknowledges that Muhammad (saw) is the perfect waliyy (adorer/servant) of God and pledging love, allegiance and loyalty to him (saw) as well due to his relationship with God.

The Qur’an says: “Say O Prophet: My Comforter (waliyy) is Allah, who gradually sent down the Book; he receives the dynamic love (walayah) of the righteous.” (7:196) God both gives and receives walayah, this dynamic love. God loves us, and we respond, either positive or negative. The positive response to the love of God, the walayah of God, is the fundamental activity of Islam and the distinguishing characteristic of a Believer. The positive response is the return of love, obedience, loyalty, allegiance, etc. It is what Islam is all about and what our lives are ultimately all about. The one who becomes a true waliyy or devotee of Allah (Waliyyu Allah) achieves a state of righteousness. Allah loves as the Comforter, then the righteous person responds with love as the Devotee, and then Allah responds with a deepening of walayah toward the Devotee and it can be an ever-deepening cycle. So it all comes from Allah swt and continues to grow and deepen as far as the recipient of God’s love responds. It is only the limit of our response to God’s walayah that limits the depth of return of God’s walayah, which is nevertheless ever present.

Truly, Islam is the way (deen) of love. Imam Muhammad Baqir(as) related a tradition as follows: A man was traveling to visit the Imam (as) and the travel caused his legs and feet to become blistered and chapped. He told the Imam (as), “Nothing brought me here from whence I came except the love of you, the Family of the Prophet.” Imam Baqir (as) replied, “By Allah! Even if a stone were to love us, He would gather it up with us (on the Judgment Day). Is the Deen (of Islam) anything but loving? Surely Allah says, ‘Say: If you have come to love Allah, then follow me! He will love you.’” (3:31) Then Imam (as) said, “He loves whomsoever migrates to them (Ahlulbayt (as)). Is the Din anything but loving?” Thus, Islam is all about the giving and receiving walayah relationship between Allah and us, and we respond to His love by loving those who are closest to Him, the Prophet (saw) and his family (as), and in turn Allah swt responds with even deeper walayah.


The keys to being Believers are the acceptance of God’s love and the response in heart with devotion, obedience and love, not only to Allah swt but with those closest in walayah to Him, the Prophet (saw) and Ahlulbayt (as)
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Post by znanwalla »

Certainly Walaya is important and critical ! but one must establish factually the protocol and "hierarchy" established by Allah....also there are Pillars and Articles of faith and which are being lumped together ....I think there is enough evidence in the sermons of Imam Ali where he has expounded and articulated masterfully all that there is there for us to know and understand.....he says..." I trust in Allah, the trust of bending towards HIM and I seek HIS guidance for the way that leades to HIS Paradise.....and then Imam Ali says..." I ADVISE YOU !, O ! creatures of Allah, to exercise fear of Allah and to Obey HIM because it is salvation and deliverance forever..."

Then Imam Ali says..."Allah deputed the Prophet with a SPARKLING LIGHT; a clear argument, an open path and a Guiding Book......his "lineal tree" is the best tree ......ALLAH sent him with a sufficing plea; a convincing discourse and a rectifying announcement and through him ALLAH disclosed the ways that have been forsaken....through him HE has explained the detailed commands and so whoever adopts anything else adopts misery and his fate will be serious...his end will be grief and a distressing punishment....."

OBEY ALLAH ! OBEY THE PROPHET ! AND OBEY THE OLIL AMR ! It is clear as is a protocol Allah has established and Allah is given obedience through the Imams and the Prophet and/or their mastery over their flock, leading them towards the PATH OF ALLAH and TAWHID is fundamental some of you should try and establish what is the UNITY of GOD ? and what are the different variables and degrees of TAWHID and under the degree of "Governance" (which is part of the scheme of things), you will find there is no conflict and the protocol and the hierarchy established is absolutely harmonious.

Allah's verdict is judicious and full of wisdom and HIS pleasures merely imply protection and mercy for HE decides with knowledge and forgives with forbearance...

"O ! my Allah ! praise be to THEE for what THOU takest and GIVEST and for that from which THOU curest and so it was Allah's own Mercy and Jsutice due to which HE sent guidance and a Manifest Light (Nooran Moobeen) but then mankind is ever so contentious !

"AND WE sent thee NOT save as a MERCY to mankind..."

Please tell me which is the SURA which Allah SWT has asked muslims (including ismailis) to recite as a Du'a? why? and it's historical background?

Once you establish this and the fact that Allah says clearly in the quran that " I will not chastise them O ! Muhamad whilst ye are with them" implies conversely that now Muhamad is no longer with us then we are all under chastisement - are we ?....

Now muslims will give TWO reasons countering this threat and will say that Allah will not destroy them for these TWO what are these TWO reasons....

TAWHID (UNITY of ALLAH); ADL & QIST cannot be relegated at all ! and also mixing Articles with Pillars and vice versa merely adds to the confusion......
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Post by From_Alamut »

Grandson of our Beloved Prophet Mohammad (Peace be upon him and his progeny) said Kudavan Imam Muhammad Al-Baqir(sa) in "Early Shia Thought" page 76....

"Islam is built on seven pillars: walaya (love for and allegiance to the Imam), tahara (purification), salat (prayer), zakat (almsgiving), sawm (fasting), hajj (pilgrimage) and jihad (striving in God's way). Walaya is the best among them, because through it and through the one to whom allegiance should be paid, the knowledge of the other pillars is reached."

The choice of an imam was decided when God granted Prophet Ibrahim (as) this favor and conferred the Imamate on him and upon those of his progeny who did not go astray. In fact, this favor was given to Prophet Ibrahim (as) after God had originally accepted him, first as a worshipper, second as a Prophet, third as a messenger, fourth as a friend and finally an Imam over the people. When this distinction was given to Prophet Ibrahim, he could not help asking God whether this favor would remain in his progeny, whereupon God answered that those who go astray would not receive it. Thus the choice of an Imam comes from above and is a favour that God grants; it cannot be acquired.
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Post by znanwalla »

brother Alamot,

You have not answered the questions which I have please answer are perhaps trying to say that just because one finds a "hadith" in a Sh'ia book, it automatically must apply to ismailis too....when was this book written? by whom was it written? when was it published? kindly enlighten me !

WHOEVER I AM HIS MASTER, ALI IS HIS MASTER (repeating three times).

O God! Love those who love him. Be hostile to those who are hostile to
him. Help those who help him. Forsake those who forsake him. And keep
the truth with him wherever he turns (i.e., make him the axis of the

Ali, the son of Abu Talib, is my brother, my executor (Wasi), and my
successor (Caliph), and the leader (Imam) after me. His position to me
is the same as the position of Haroon (Aaron) to Moses, except that
there shall be no prophet after me.

He is your master after Allah and His Messenger.

O Folk! Verily Allah has appointed him to be your Imam and ruler.
Obedience of him is obligatory for all Immigrants (Muhajirin) and
Helpers (Ansar) and those who follow them in virtue, and on the
dwellers of the cities and the nomads, the Arabs and the non-Arabs,
the freeman and the slave, the young and the old, the great and the
small, the white and the black.

His commands should be obeyed, and his word is binding and his order
is obligatory on everyone who believes in one God.

Cursed is the man who disobeys him, and blessed is the one who follows him, and he who believes in him is a true believer.

His WILAYAH (belief in his mastery) has been made obligatory by Allah, the Powerful, the Exalted.

O Folk! Study the Quran. Reflect on its clear verses and do not
presume the meaning of the ambiguous verses. For, by Allah, nobody can properly explain them to you its warnings and its meanings except me and this man (i.e., Ali) whose hand I am lifting up in front of

O People! This is the last time that I shall stand in this assembly.
Therefore listen to me and obey and submit to the command of Lord.

Verily Allah, He is your Lord and God. After Him, His prophet,
Muhammad who is addressing you, is your master.

Then after me, this Ali is your master and your leader (Imam) according to Allahs command.

Then after him leadership will continue through some selected
individuals in my descendants till the day you meet Allah and His

Behold! Certainly you shall meet your Lord and He will ask you about your deeds.

Beware! Do not become infidels after me by striking the
necks of one another.

Lo! It is incumbent upon those who are present
to inform what I said to those who are absent for perhaps the informed
one might comprehend it (understand it) better than some of the
present audience.

Behold! Havent I conveyed the Message of Allah to
you? Behold! Havent I conveyed the Message of Allah to you? People
replied: Yes. The Prophet said: O God! Bear witness.

- Aalam al-Wara, pp 132-133
- Tadhkirat al-Khawas al-Ummah, Sibt Ibn al-Jawzi al-Hanafi, pp 28-33
- al-Sirah al-Halabiyyah, by Noor al-Din al-Halabi, v3, p273

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Post by znanwalla »

brother Alamot,

Imam Jafar as Sadiq says:

"that the Imam of the time is the WITNESS for the people and he is the gate (Bab Allah) and the Road (Sabil) to HIM and the Guide thereto (Dali) and the Repository of HIS Knowledge and the Interpreter of HIS Revelations and the Imam is a Pillar of God's Unity (Tawhid) ...

Imam is immune from sin (Khata) and error (dala) and God has removed all impurity and has made them pure ( Sura xxx111:33)

and the Imams possess the power of the miracles and irrefutable Aarguments (dala'il) and the Imams are here for the protection of the people on this earth just as the stars are for the inhabitants of heavens and they are likened to the Noah's Arc....and whoseoever clings to them will reach the gate of repentence.

The Imam further says..."He who has recognized us is a believer and he who has denied us is an unbeliever, and he who has neither recognized nor denied us is in error unless he returns to the right guidance which God has made obligatory for him. And if he dies in a state of error, God will do with him what He wishes" (al-Kafi, 1:187).

Shaikh al-Mufid (d. 413/1022) writes in Awa’il al-maqalat (Tabriz, 1951, p. 35) that, “The Imams take the place of the prophets in enforcing judgments, seeing to the execution of the legal penalties, safeguarding the law and educating mankind.

The Quran says, “And if when they had done injustice to themselves, they had but come to you and asked God’s forgiveness, and the Prophet had (also) asked forgiveness for them. Surely, they would have found God Forgiving, Merciful.” (4:64).

"We sent thee not save as a Mercy for the worlds.." !

"Verily God hath preferred Adam and Noah and the family of Abraham and the family of Imran, above HIS creatures...."

"And WE chose them and guided them unto a straight path.." !

"And WE set a just balance for the day of Judgment so that no soul is wronged in aught.."!

"Verily God wrongeth not mankind in anything" !

The Quran says: “O ye! Who believe, obey God and obey the Apostle and those among you invested with authority” (4:59). Obeying one to the exclusion of the other is futile....Allah has established a hierarchy that is written in stone !

It is an undoubted fact that every apostle is sent to be obeyed by his people as is obvious from the following verse:

“And We never sent an apostle but he who ought to be obeyed by God’s permission” (4:64). ...disobedience to the Prophet is disobedience to Allah Himself !

The ruling princes certainly are not "infallible" and subject to greed, oratory and political inclinations.

To solve the question, we have a tradition from Jabir bin Abdullah Ansari, who relates that the verse:

“O ye! Who believe, obey God and obey the Apostle and those among you invested with authority” (4:59) was revealed, he asked the Prophet, “We know God and His Prophet, but who are these persons invested with authority?” The Prophet said, “Ali and his descendants are invested with authority.”

In sum, the Imam of every age is the Hujjatullah (Sign of God), the Noorullah (Light of God) and Mazhar (Epiphany) of God.

He is Mansus (designated), Ma’sum (infallible) and Afdal an-na’s (the best of the mankind).

If the folks during the time of the Prophet had the benefit of his guidance and mercy which Allah personified through Mohamed, why would Allah be so unjust so as to deprive humankind of these blessings after Prophet hood ended when HE clearly says that He does not wrong any soul in aught ?

So yes, Wilaya is Sh'ia islam is important....but does not relegate, nor diminish TAWHID or ADL....I have shown enough there is enough evidence in the quran too if one would care to read....always cross refer - showing one sh'ia hadith in isolation is you want me to show you evidence from Sh'ia books which tends to dispute the Ismaili Imamat ? then that too must be correct and ought to be accepted because it is a "Sh'ia thought"....the Imam of the time has placed importance on the Intellect and not blind acceptance....

" Verily I have shown him the way , whether he be grateful or disbelieving.."

Post by prince_visram »

Thanks so much for your help, I now understand clearly where they have originated from.. (:
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Post by kmaherali »

The Seven Pillars of Islam: The Esoterics of Walayah ... f-walayah/
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Post by kmaherali »

The Esoterics (Batin) of Prayer: From Salah to Du‘a’ ... ah-to-dua/
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