Translation for garbi "Gure Kadi Che

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Translation for garbi "Gure Kadi Che

Post by mominn8266 »

Tried finding translation for this garbi but had no luck. Can anyone help provide this please? Thank you
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Post by kmaherali »


Pir Shams

The Pir (Shams) himself performed the ceremony of Paval i.e. Abbe Safa. ...1

The Pir, with benevolence, gathered all of them; giving them a sip (of Abbe Safa). ...2

All were purified by converting to the true path, and giving them a sip of the sacred water. ...3

Imam Kassim Shah himself arrived there and gave his didar. ...4

There in the village was immense joy and all went reciting the Holy Ginan. ...5

A Mukhi was appointed (there) for the Jamat and all are giving their religious dues (to the Mukhi). ...6

All were purified by paying religious dues and tithe, and became true devotees. ...7

The Pir (Shams) himself with utmost mercy gathered all of them with the (circle of) Anant. ...8

The desires of all the habitants of the village were fulfilled. ...9

They will enjoy heavenly reign forever in Paradise. ...10

Those who deliberately go astray will never achieve (the door of) that place. ...11

Such (people) have strayed from the (road to) salvation, they will be wandering (aimlessly) from door to door. ...12

Those foolish people who, having embraced the true path, but (later on) do not act accordingly... ...13

...they are depositing a heavy load of sins on their heads to make ways in hell. ...14

O my brothers! Act as prescribed by the religion, so that you reach ashore. ...15

You will enter the door of Paradise, if you sought virtuous earnings (in the world). ...16

This Garbi song is recited by Pir Shams himself. ...17

The sins of the devotees brethren will be forgiven and that they will enjoy the didar (of the Lord). ...18
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