The Use of Ginans to Appeal the Intellect of the People

Discussion on ginan meanings, history etc..
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The Use of Ginans to Appeal the Intellect of the People

Post by dilshad75 »

Ya Ali Madad,<BR>I would like to know how ginans were used to appeal the intellect of the people by pirs. I would appreciate if someone can provide me an authenticatedd website for the same.
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Post by kmaherali »

Ginans until recently were the only source of knowledge and wisdom in our Jamat and therefore have been the primary source of intellectual stimulation for centuries. Many Ginans exhort the audience to reflect upon them and to use the intellect and seek knowledge.


ejee magaj re moman maarag laadho evo ladho to ghannero aarodho................................1

Through the intellect (thinking and discrimination), a momin has found the Path. Having found such (an exalted path), he/she should follow it in an abundant (complete, rigorous) manner.

Ginan - Paratak Paatrane
ejee bhanne peer i(n)ddhra imaamdeen, maaraa munivar bhaai geenaan veemaras ne joi lee-o, praachhat sarve jaay.........13

Peer Indhra Imaamdeen teaches, O my believer brothers! Internalise the 'geenans', having discussed and reflected upon them, then all your sins will disappear (by virtue of the knowledge and wisdom thereof and the pleasure and joy gained thus). [The joy of the higher removes the lower pleasures.]

jeere bhaaire ved veechaaree tame chaalo nahee kaa rahesho gor a(n)dhaar jee.................1

O living brothers, conduct yourselves by reflecting upon the scriptures, otherwise you will remain in total darkness.

Ginan - Ham dil Khalaq
ejee moman sohee jo sab maram-j jaanne, elam rahaasar chalannaa......................ebhee allah.....9

The true believer is he who knows all the (spiritual) mysteries and follows the path of knowledge(and understanding)...He is indeed the Lord.

ejee ghyaan dhiyaan maa(n)he sarve sudh paai, khoj khoj kar milanaa........................ebhee allah....10

All understanding is gained through knowledge and contemplation. By constant search one can attain (the real purpose of your life - reunion with your Creator)............He is indeed the Lord.
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