ginan meaning

Discussion on ginan meanings, history etc..
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ginan meaning

Post by zulismail »

Dear Mr. K.Meherali would you please explain me the meaning of this Ginan<BR>DHIN KI BAAT KOOI NA JAANE LAKH KARO TO HATH NA AAVE<BR>BY PIR HASSAM SHAH MY EMAIL ADDRESS IS <A href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</A><BR>thanking you in anticipation sincerely aly noorani[/b]
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Post by kmaherali »

Dhin ki baat kahi na jaave,
laakh karo to haath na aave 1

According to my humble understanding it means, do not tell people of the inner secrets of religion. If you reveal them you will lose them, then you will have incurred a great loss. These insights are not attained even with 100,000 physical exertions. They are given out of grace.

Hazarat Ali says in the Kalame Mowla:

jo hove sab eelam-me(n) kaamal, to been peechhaane naa kaheve baat;
apanaa bhed keese naa kahenaa, jo khudaane kaameel keetee hae zhaat;
e naseehat suno yaadaj raakho, apanaa bhed keese naa kahenaa;
bhed jeeyu(n) heeraa maannak amulakh, so murakh haath nahee denaa...............99

He who has attained perfection in knowledge, speaks [about it] only when he is asked. Do not speak of your (inner) attainment to anyone when God graces you with His essence. Listen to this advice and remember it: do not speak of your (spiritual) realization to anyone. That inner secret is precious like diamonds and rubies, do not give it away to a foolish man.
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