i can ask you the same question, you use emoticons like a teenage girl on crack, you can barely get through a sentence without using text shorthand. Do you just fail at communicating or are you just immature?
ahhh, well if you think iam immature then ill simply take this as a compliment because when an immature like me can shut messiahs like you then i am sure you gonna pee when you have an arguement with our imam-e-zaman when he'll proclaim homosexuality as haram in one of his firmans
tell me this if what i said happens in future[ imam saying gays are haram] what will you do ??
go against imam ??? or leave this madhab ??
What you, The terrorist, fail to understand is that being a homosexual means you have the DESIRE for the same sex. This does not translate to people constantly engaging in sexual activity.
my brother you cannot go against the law of nature ...got it ??? have you seen the king of the jungle[LION] eating plants ?? have you seen the horse eating meat ?? allah[swt] have laid down certain rules my brother and gays like you are not part of islam, yes sir !!! what you are trying to show is "
"a person can go against the law of nature !"
you have compared gays to animals in your previous posts when you said there are certain animals who are homosexuals etc etc , so according to you if animals can do it why cant gays
animal = gays = sex [ this is what it comes to if i go with your opinion]
gays = act like woman, walk like but..........they are not woman , who are they ???? a biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig question
lesbians = act like man[dominant partner], walk like a man, dress like a man but........they are not men, who are they ????? a biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig question
And you missed the point of my hypothetical, it was proof that your sexual orientation ISN'T a conscious decision.
i would prefer dying than rather being a gay on this earth, what you are doing is since ur gay mind = GENETIC MIND
is not able to process proofs it simply changed the question , my dear friend when you dont have gutz to prove anything then why do you even try to act like a GAY MESSIAH ???
1] you proved nothing sooooooooooooooo far, i even gave you the aayat you simply choose to ignore @ surah 4:16
2] you compared yourself and your like ones with animals [the way some animals mate] but what you forget is those animals can change their own gender
for ex: a worm/fish can change his sex and can reproduce,
show me that gays like you can change their sex and reproduce without undergoing any operation !!!!
3] then you talked about your gay genes but never showed me a single case or a proof that gay genes actually exist and is not a myth, plus when i said something regarding rape gene your gay genes felt offended, now if allah[swt] can create gay genes then why cant he create rape genes ??? to which nooooooooooooo answer was given
4] then you said heterosexuals also engage in anal sex,tell me this
are you trying to force us to believe that the verse related to gays are actually for heterosexuals ??
let me make this very clear quran have given full permission to the husband and wife = man and woman can do whatever they want , and heres the proof :
2:223 (Y. Ali) Your wives are as a tilth unto you;
so approach your tilth when or how ye will; but do some good act for your souls beforehand; and fear Allah. And know that ye are to meet Him (in the Hereafter), and give (these) good tidings to those who believe.
2:223 (Asad)
Your wives are your tilth; go, then, unto your tilth as you may desire, but first provide something for your souls, [211] and remain conscious of God, and know that you are destined to meet Him. And give glad tidings unto those who believe.
The understanding of this verse, is that wives (women) are tilth for men, so the tilth happens to men in this sentence, and tilth here does not mean reproduction as men don't get pregnant, so tilth here means refreshing the body and giving energy to men as happens to the land after tilthing. so the verse says have your tilth you men and the way you like not certain way, as it depends on free imagination without rules, so that means anal sex is allowed as the verses here gave permission to totally free style sex with wives as word [anna] means in Arabic whenever, wherever and however in the same time.
but this act is very risky and the couple have to use lot of precautions
5] if a man indulge in fellatio then thats a sin...its haram !!!!!!!!!
@ above aayat is more than enough to staisfy my momin brothers and sisters , god said man and woman, god never said man and man....allah[swt] is soo merciful that he gave complete freedom to a husband and wife...they both have equal rights !!