Golden Jubilee - 2006

Discussion on doctrinal issues
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Post by curious1 »

Sorry, ignore my ramblings, I found the discussion under the appropriate topic. Reading it right now.
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Golden Jubilee celebrations - Nairobi

Post by kmaherali »

As a subject for reflection, the following is the account of Golden Jubilee celebrations of Mowlana Sultan Muhammad Shah that took place in Nairobi. It is taken from "The Agakhan, Prince, Prophet and Sportsman" by Stanley Jackson.

"From all parts of Africa, and even from Bombay, the faithful Ismailis converged upon Nairobi for the Jubliee gold-weighing ceremony. Amid great rejoicing, in a city festooned with flags and gay lanterns, the Imam was borne in triumph to the grounds of the Agakhan Club, where a huge temporary building had been put up to house twelve thousand people. Wearing a long red coat and a golden turbun he led the Begum to the platform, where he was presented with a garland which he gracefully placed about the neck of the Mayoress. Armed British police officers and Askaris guarded the ingots of gold weighing 3,200 ounces which were to be used for the ceremony of the scales. An elaborate address of welcome was taken from a gold casket, mounted on four ivory and gold elephants, and read out amid great applause. He was then solemnly weighed to the value of 22,773 pounds, which he decided should be invested in a five-year plan for nursery schools, child-welfare centres and dispensaries."
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Golden Jubilee Reflection - Imamat and Divinity

Post by kmaherali »

As Golden Jubilee is about the celebration of 50 years of Imamat of MHI, and as Imamat is fundamental to our Tariqah as per MHI's statement: "You cannot articulate our Tariqah without articulating Imamat", I think reflection on Imamat would be an appropriate subject for this discussion. In particular, the key issue of the relationship of Imamat to Allah has occupied the minds of great thinkers in our history. How is Imam related to God from the historical, philosophical, theological, traditional - Ginanic perspectives? There has been extensive discussion on this matter in our Forums. Please feel free to join in the discussion and share your thoughts, questions and concerns on this subject.

It can be referenced by clicking on the Forums at the site map on the left of this window. Then select Doctrines -> Is Hazer Imam God?
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Post by _thaillestlunatic_ »

It can also be a time to reflect upon the Baiyat which we gave to
MHI and that we gave him our tan, man and dhan to him. It can also
be a time to reflect upon improving our farmanbardari to him.
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Historical Reflections.

Post by kmaherali »

As we prepare to celebrate the Golden Jubilee of MHI, it might perhaps be worthwhile to reflect on some historical facts about our past Imams. Only seven Imams attained more than 50 years of Imamat. The average Imamat is about 28 years (for the Naklank Avatar). 12 out of 49 Imams were murdered which is a testimony to their sacrifice and endurance of the harshest historical circumstances for the principles and the cause of Islam.
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Golden Jubillee Reflections

Post by kmaherali »

Salegrah Mubarak!

In his recent interview granted to the Times of India Mowlana Hazar Imam stated:

“The Imam’s mandate is to guide and lead as a person of that particular time. The Imam-ship of my grandfather (Sir Sultan Mahomed Shah) was shaped by his colonial times. Mine has been in the context of decolonisation, the break up of the Soviet empire, and now globalisation. We had to create the institutional capacities to deal with a new set of needs — economic and social. The Imam is entrusted with improving quality of life for his followers.”

[If you want to read the complete interview, click on the Forums under Communicate mentioned in the site map on the left side of the window. Then click on Imamat Activities under Social Section – enjoy.]

As we prepare to celebrate MHI’s Golden Jubilee, it would be interesting and appropriate to share our thoughts, perceptions, experiences and reflections on how the above mentioned phenomena of decolonization, break up of Soviet empire and globalization have shaped and influenced the Jamat and how MHI through his guidance and his institutions has helped the Jamat mitigate or overcome their impact. The following are my thoughts on this. I hope others will also contribute.

Decolonization was a very stressful experience for many segments of our Jamat especially in Africa. There was a great deal of apprehension and uncertainty regarding the plight of the Jamat who were predominantly of Asian race. During the colonial period the Jamat was relatively secure and stable politically, economically and socially due to their middle class status and the protection from the colonial regime. MHI’s advice to the Jamats was to adopt the citizenship of the newly independent states and to participate and integrate fully with the new regimes. This enabled murids to avail themselves of all the benefits and opportunities that the new environment created. By following this important guidance our Jamat benefited from social and economic opportunities that independence brought its citizens. Our Jamat got the best education and all the opportunities that went along with them in terms of good careers and having a portable asset which they could later use when some segments decided to migrate to the west. In Tanzania two Ismailis were cabinet ministers and many had important positions in their respective employment.

To integrate the Jamat fully with the national aspirations, schools that were established during the colonial period and which were basically communal i.e. for Ismailis only, were transformed into nonracial/religious basis wherein any person regardless of his or her racial or religious background could attend provided they could afford it. All other socio economic institutions followed the same pattern. Our health institutions such as dispensaries also became available to all. Jubilee Insurance Company which was established and owned by our community became public. As an example of how our institutions helped our Jamat, I as an Ismaili, lived in a flat that was built under the umbrella of an Ismaili Housing Society. That enabled me to have secure, comfortable and modern housing relative to the general living conditions around. I attended Agakhan nursery and primary schools that provided me with a solid basis to build my higher education upon. I went to Agakhan Dispensary whenever I had health related issues. I also received a loan from our institutions to attain my higher education which opened many doors for my material and spiritual wellbeing.

The process of decolonization was not peaceful in many situations and was fraught with political and economical uncertainties as the newly independent states sought to shape their own destinies. There was political turmoil as in the case of Uganda. During these difficult periods, the practice of our faith and the context of Jamatkhanas provided the spiritual and material support for many of us. Even after the migration to the West, Jamatkhanas and the faith provided strength and unity to start life afresh. For that we all owe a great deal to MHI.

The break up of Soviet empire started the process of de dogmatization of the world. Many countries during the period of decolonization adapted different ideologies depending upon which countries supported them economically and militarily. The world was basically polarized between the communist/socialist block on the one hand and the capitalist block on the other. The break up of Soviet empire presented the Jamat with new challenges and opportunities. It basically freed the minds off artificial constraints of ideology and ushered the developing world into a new phase of creativity and pluralism. Our Jamati institutions have contributed significantly towards stimulating this process by providing models for civil society institutions to replace or complement state run inefficient institutions.

The break up of Soviet empire also provided an opportunity for the Imam to come into contact with his murids from Central Asia who for centuries did not have physical contact with Imamat. MHI visited the Jamats in Central Asia and established institutional framework and support for these Jamats to overcome the effects of breaking economic and political ties with the Soviet Union and also to provide them with assistance and impetus to make social, cultural and economic progress within the ethical framework of Islam. It would be interesting to hear from the murids of Central Asia in this forum about how the Imam has assisted them in this process of transformation.

The contact with the murids of Central Asia also presented a magnificent opportunity for the Jamats to benefit from the strength of the diversity of its culture, history and tradition. Under the guidance of MHI our Tariqah is evolving to accommodate this major change. I cannot imagine what the consequences would be, if the unifying authority of the Imam was not there to direct, guide and oversee this change.

Developments in technology and the contacts with the hitherto remote Jamats of Central Asia and Middle East have provided the impetus for the globalization of the Jamat. It is an interesting phase in the evolution of the Jamat and the Imam’s role is going to be critical in maintaining unity and stability. Paraphrasing MHI’s Farman made when he gave his last Deedar in Nairobi, he stated that the diversity of our Jamat should serve as a microcosm for the diversity of the Muslim Umma i.e our Jamat’s diversity is representative of the diversity in the Muslim Ummah. The way we manage this diversity will provide a model for other Muslim societies to deal with their diversity.

Muirds from one part of the world should be able to count upon the support from murids from other parts of the world in times of crisis. This should provide the necessary security and peace of mind for murids to seek spiritual enlightenment which after all is the main objective of our existence as Ismailis.

The above is my story. I hope others from Central Asia, Syria, India, Pakistan and Africa will join in and share their experiences, insights, ideas and perceptions about how Imamat has affected their lives and how we can build upon them for the betterment of our future. I hope this discussion will bring to the fore different facets of the interaction of our Jamat with the three phenomena characterising the current Imamat of MHI namely decolonisation, breakup of Soviet empire and globalisation. It will also highlight the diversity of the socio-economic and political circumstances currently experienced by our jamat.
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Post by hussinyar »

Ya Ali Madad All Jamati Member!<BR>This is Mohammad Salim Hussinyar an Afghan Ismailie student in United World College of the Adriatic (UWCad) in Italy,&nbsp;I would like to say my best thanks to all for writing their comments and beside that i would like Jamati to wake up, it is our Imam's Golden Gubilie.a moment of pray, a moment of joy, a moment of happiness and a moment of &nbsp;huging eachother.<BR><BR>love you all, and best wishes!<BR>yours Afghani Jamat<BR>Hussinyar Mohammad Salim<BR>United World College of the Adriatic, Duino, Trieste, Italy
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Post by chatur »

YAM<BR>How about&nbsp; the ismailis all around the world take that day of from their material life and concentrate o&shy;n the spiritual aspect. We all have enough time in our hand to organise for that day.
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Post by hussinyar »

YA ALI MADAD Every body!
<P>Wonderful ideas is sometimes not good as it sounds but it is up to us that how&nbsp;do we&nbsp;change the mood of these sounds. it is wonderful that our Imam's GOLDEN &nbsp;JUBILIE is near and we all should be happy but what common is to take action and do something, what does this means? it means that it is up to us to remove all these rancour and hatred from our hearts and be as good as we are suppose to be and be as nice as as we should be to eachother. unfortunately our ismailies in some countries is still like the enemies of eachother and they are up to betting eachother and abusing themselves by the name of this and that which is a cater and a cuter among ismailie community.<BR><BR>Thanks <BR>Hussinyar Mohammad Salim</P>
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Post by kmaherali »

hussinyar wrote:YA ALI MADAD Every body!
unfortunately our ismailies in some countries is still like the enemies of eachother and they are up to betting eachother and abusing themselves by the name of this and that which is a cater and a cuter among ismailie community.<BR><BR>Thanks <BR>Hussinyar Mohammad Salim</P>
I share your concerns. If we continue to be disunited and hurt each other, we may not have any celebrations at all!
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Post by hussinyar »

<SPAN class=name><A name=4879></A><B>Dear kmaherali:<BR>Thank you very much for posting your view, but i guess you wrote it very urgently that you need to think a bit&nbsp;before posting&nbsp; it , GOLDEN JUBILIE of Imam is something which we can't forget celebrating it eventhough, we have the problem among our community but still we will celebrate the GOLDEN JUBILIE of Imam and it will be celebrated by me and you but anyway, thank you for sharing your idea. Time will pass but the memory will remain for always it is up to those people that are currently somewhere beside or near to Imam that how they are doing, and how they are managing the community in somehow, however, it is all with Imam but we will not forget these all.<BR><BR>thanks<BR>Hussinyar Mohammad Salim</B></SPAN>
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Post by tom »

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Post by hussinyar »

Ya Ali Madad Dear spiritual brothers and sisters:<BR>I think there is o&shy;ne thing that makes us all ways dizzy and silly which we don't think what we say ''chew your words before saying''. I see people whom are typing their views but without any concentration o&shy;n what they are saying, whenever we are coming o&shy;n the debation o&shy;n Imam e Zaman people are saying that let's make Imam's happy by doing this and that, my goodness Imam won't be happy from doing this and that but he will definately will be happy if you think open mindly, much co - operative to all human being, being educated not by the sentence of '' let's make imam happy'' o&shy;ne could ask that '' who are you Mr. that you are making Imam's happy? ''&nbsp; a very essential question i wish everyone could get it before typing your idea but mine is especially towards TOM's last post. <BR><BR>thanks
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Golden Jubilee Housing Schemes

Post by kmaherali »

MHI during his last Jamati Mulaqat to Canada in 1992 stated that he would like to see housing schemes established in Canada similar to the ones we had in East Africa. As we reflect upon how we can best celebrate and mark Golden Jubilee, I would like to suggest that we launch Golden Jubliee Housing Scheme which will involve building housing estates or condominiums for our community.

Having grown up in the context of a housing scheme in East Africa, I feel it would benefit our Jamat a great deal if we had similar schemes here in Canada. Amongst the advantages of our own schemes are:

- They will foster social and communal cohesion which is of great benefit particularly during times of crisis.
- They will enable us to provide a favourable environment for bringing up our children in our own social and cultural context.
- They will enable low income families to own property.
- They will minimise ownership costs through minimising overheads such as condo fees etc.
- Perhaps address some of the issues relating to the care of the seniors and other disadvantaged segments of our Jamat.
- Customise construction to our own needs.

What are your thoughts on this issue?
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Golden Jubilee

Post by hala »

<P>Have you ever seen a thirsty river?<BR>How can we make our lovely Imam happy?!!<BR>H.H is the sourse of happiness so who are we to increase or decrease his happiness , it is just like that we want to add a glass of water to the ocean.<BR>And how much we love H.H? exactly here we need the silence.<BR>Words can do nothing and anything we'll try to do is nothing.</P><P>God bless you</P><P>hala<BR></P>
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Post by am »

In one of his farmans, MHI says that nothing would make him more happy than to know that his Mureeds are regular in their attendence to Jamat Khana, and in the practice of their faith.

So in my humble opinion, I feel that being a farman bardar momin and supporting the Imame Zaman to the best of our abilities in his exceptional Imamat activities around the globe is the way to make the Imame Zamaan happy.
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golden jubilee

Post by lunaticballa29 »

<P><FONT style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: black" color=dodgerblue>yam</P><P>i just wanted to know does n e body noe when we find out where hazir imam is going for the jubilee? i would like to noe cause i've never been to 1 and i wanna go</P></FONT>[/i][/b]
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Post by nashvelshi »

Those of us living in the west realise that the west's greatest intellectual achievement over the past 500 or so years has been the advancement of basic and applied science. The cellphone or PDA you have in your pocket, the computer you type these words on, the car you drive, the plane you fly on, etc, are all the result of serious attention paid to the study of objects and events in nature.

I think the real power of Islam versus other religious traditions is that, while rites, rituals and prayer make up only one half of our religion, the other half is made up by a study of the objects and events in nature. MSMS said this in a letter to a friend in 1952. The word 'ayat' refers both to a verse in the Quran and to an object or event in nature. MSMS said "...the God of the Quran is the one whose ayats are the Universe."

I think that this is one of the links between intellect and faith that MHI is talking about lately in his farmans. Living in the west gives us this great opportunity to advance this link between intellect and faith. Our prophet himself said: " One hour of contemplation on the works of the creator is better than a thousand hours of prayer".

During the golden century before the establishment of the Fatimid period Ismaili philosophers like Yakub Al-Sijistani and, later, Nasir Khusraw, developed cosmological doctrines that incorporated this view of the link between religion and science that MSMS refers to above. Even the pirs have incorporated this link in their ginans.

I think that one of the gifts we can give to MHI on his golden jubilee is to show that we clearly recognise this important link between science and religion, between intellect and faith and perhaps this is one avenue we can pursue to harmonise better relations between east and west.
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Post by yaali101 »

I have heard that the Imam will only visit Pakistan, Dubai, and Canada. I have heard that he is not visiting the US, which is sad as I am here.
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Post by kmaherali »

I have heard that MHI does not want to call it Golden Jubilee in view of the changed circumstances today and the fact that it would be a reminder of the Jubilee celebrations of his grandfather which are generally perceived as being sensational and glamourous.

MHI wants to project a different image to the rest of the world and the Muslim Ummah in particular.
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Post by pakifellah »

YA ALI MADAD:<BR><BR>I am a long time visitor of this great website and enjoy all the opinions expressed o&shy;n various platforms, i especially enjoy Mr. Maherali and Nagib very informative and i thank them for that.<BR>Interesting thoughts of lot of contributors some are very just emotional some are hypocritic/hypothetical and some are professional based, sorry no pun intended.<BR><BR>Here are my 2 cents. Our Imam is not looking for a gift and there is nothing we can give our<BR>beloved Imam as gift, what ever we possess is not ours in the first place. Before we even consider a gift lets look back o&shy;n our lives,&nbsp; materially we have almost everything&nbsp; but where do we stand o&shy;n our spritually, the more progress we make in our material life we go backward tenfold in our spritual life,&nbsp; We can make our Imam happy anytime&nbsp;but the real&nbsp;&nbsp;CHALLENGE &nbsp;would be to give him JOY all the time&nbsp;and to accomplish that goal is through a street which runs o&shy;nE WAY o&shy;nly , through reform and try to get as close as possible to the IMAM&nbsp;through spritual enhancements.<BR><BR>lastly, SPRITUALITY IS PRICELESS FOR EVERYTHING ELSE WE HAVE MASTERCARD.<BR><BR>
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Post by faisall667 »

Pakifellah, I agree with you. This topic may not have started to get ideas about materialistic gifts for the imam, but there are some people who might have (I have not gotten a chance to read all of it) thought of some material things, and I believe that is perfectly fine because it is the thought that counts.

For example: (i don't remember the whole thing but...and anyone is welcome to correct me.)
One time there was some guy who was "talking" to God, and he was saying that he would give clothes and shoes to God. Prophet Musa was walking by and overheard this person, so he corrected the that guy and said that God is not a material being, you don't say the things you were saying to him. Although Prophet Musa corrected the person he broke his heart. The next day Prophet Musa did not recieve his vision (as God would speak to him everyday), this went on for a while, until Prophet Musa discovered that the reason he was not recieving his visions was because he had broken a Momin's heart.

So the moral of the story is that the thought is what counts.

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Post by _thaillestlunatic_ »

As announced on Imamat Day Kushiali all around the world, I am curious to know how the Golden Jubilee celebrations will be launched.

As a youth almost adult now :), I have never experienced a Jubilee, can anyone share their experiences, and give insights on how this Jubilee may be done.

For example will there be majlis mulakats, individual mehmanis, mahadan chanta, wedding ceremonies etc etc?

Can anyone share some light as how the Silver Jubilee started and where the Imam travelled etc etc, the Silver Jubilee projects
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Post by _thaillestlunatic_ »

Any thoughts on the upcomming Jubilee.. and my previous post anyone?
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Post by Admin »

I will close this sub-thread and put the Jubilee discussion into a Main thead whith several sub-threads because there is bound to be a lot of discussion on this topic as Jubilee approaches!
