YAM to all,
Kalme Pir is written by Pir Nasir Khusraw, this is a great book about inner knowledge and about the imam of the time. I recommend that everybody should read it. May mowla bless you all.
I dont know if this book is avaliable in english.
<BR>YAM<BR>thanks for your kind words, yes it is available in english, I personally have found it at Baker Street Sunni Mosque in London (this book was hidden)karimqazi wrote:YAM to all,<BR><BR>Kalme Pir is written by Pir Nasir Khusraw, this is a great book about inner knowledge and about the imam of the time. I recommend that everybody should read it. May mowla bless you all.<BR><BR>I dont know if this book is avaliable in english.
<BR><BR>Eventually I can do it for 50 $ including expedition to u...<BR>[email protected]Anonymous wrote:Its available but expensive thru a university reprint service about 110 dollars