Discussion on ginan meanings, history etc..
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Post by al-azhar »

Pir Sadardin in his Granth "Vis Tol" explains about the path that the soul has to take, after leaving the body, to arrive at its final destination. This path has 19 checkpoint where the soul could be detained or its further progress slowed down depending on its deeds in the past life. It also reminds us that once we die it is not the end, rather the beginning of a long journey.
Does anyone have the translation and explanation on this subject?
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Post by kmaherali »

I would be interested in translating it if a Gujerati version is available.
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VIS TOL - Transliteration and Translation

Post by kmaherali »

As today is Shukravaari Beej, the following is a rough and tentative translation of the VISTOL for reflection.

Any suggestions for improvement are welcome.

Tol Pahelo

vajanmaa(n) ochhu aapvaa tathaa vadhu levaa maatteni sajaa

1st Weight(Toll)

Punishment for the ones who charge more for less (cheating in business).


Tol Beejo

gareeb no maal joraavreethee tathaa dagaabaajeethee lenaarne sajaa.

2nd Weight(Toll)

Punishment for the ones who aquire wealth from the poor through force and deceit.


Tol Treejo

paaddoshee tathaa kuttu(m)b tathaa moman momanne dukh denaar tathaa ra(n)jaadd naarane sajaa.

3rd Weight(Toll)

Punishment for the ones who inflict hardships and tribulations upon their fellow neighbours, family members and their brother devotees.

Tol Chotho

kuddu(n) kala(n)k chaddaavnaarne sajaa.

4th Weight(Toll)

Punishment for the ones who falsely accuse others.


Tol Paa(n)chmo

jutthu(n) bolnaar, paarkee thaapann khaanaar tathaa befarmaanee karnaar-ne sajaa.

5th Weight(Toll)

Punishment for the ones who lie, use others' property and disobey the Farmans.


Tol Chhatto

dasond khaai janaar tathaa trann vakhat duaa nahee paddnaar ne sajaa.

6th Weight(Toll)

Punishment for the ones who consume the tithe and who do not say the three times prescribed prayer.

Tol Saatmo

par stree gaman karnaarne sajaa.

7th Weight(Toll)

Punishment for the ones who have illicit sex with other women.

Tol Aathmo

par purush saathe gaman karnaar streene sajaa.

8th Weight(Toll)

Punishment for the women who have illicit sex with other men.

Tol Navmo

sharab peenaar tathaa kufr? bolnaar tathaa haasi karnaar ne sajaa.

9th Weight(Toll)

Punishment for the ones who drink alcohol and who say ?? and who cause laughter( with the malicious motive).

Tol Dasmo

paarkee nee(n)daa karnaar tathaa potaane utam karee jaann-naarne sajaa.

10th Weight(Toll)

Punishment for the ones who backbite or slander and regard themselves as the greatest.

Tol Agyaarmo

shah peer naa farmaan par imaan nahee raakhnaarne sajaa.

11th Weight(Toll)

Punishment for the ones who do not have faith upon the Farmans of Shah Peer ( the Imam and the Peer).

Tol Baarmo

vyaaj savaayu(n) doddhu(n) khaanaarne sajaa.

12th Weight(Toll)

Punishment for the ones who live on excessive interest.


Tol Termo

ilam shastra jaann-naar pann beejaane nahee sa(m)bhallaavnaar ne sajaa.

13th Weight(Toll)

Punishment for the ones who acquire knowledge but do not share it with others.


Tol Chaudmo

Pattel tathaa kaamdaar thaeene adal insaaf nahee karnaarne sajaa.

14th Weight(Toll)

Punishment for the headmen of villages and the ones in responsibility who do not discharge justice.


Tol Pandarmo

Laa(n)ch laeene khottee saakshee aap-naar ne sajaa.

15th Weight(Toll)

Punishment for the ones who accept bribes and bear false witnesses.


Tol Sollmo

abhimaan kareene potaane motto jann-naar ne sajaa

16th Weight(Toll)

Punishment for the ones who are proud and consider themselves as great.


Tol Satarmo

vakhat vellaa-e duneeyaanu(n) kaam karnaarne sajaa.

17th Weight(Toll)

Punishment for the ones who engage in worldly business at the time of prayer.

Tol Addhaarmo

gnaan shaastra jaann-naar, sa(m)bhallaavnaare, pann duaa nahee paddnaar, daso(n)d nahee denaar tathaa aachaar nahee paallnaar ne sajaa.

18th Weight(Toll)

Punishment for the ones who have knowledge and wisdom and who preach about them but do not say the prayer, do not observe daso(n)d, and are not virtuous.


Tol Ognismo

mukhi thaeene peernaa vaaek manmaa(n) nahee dharnaarne sajaa

19th Weight(Toll)

Punishment for the ones who having become Mukhis do not accept the teachings of the Peer in their hearts/minds.


Tol Vismo

bahestee ttol

20th Weight(Toll)

Heavenly weight. Experience of the heavens after the preceding punishments.
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Vis Tol

Post by AftabJessa »

On a similar note, it would be very helpful to know about Bavan Gati.
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Re: VIS TOL - Transliteration and Translation

Post by al-azhar »

[quote="kmaherali"]As today is Shukravaari Beej, the following is a rough and tentative translation of the VISTOL for reflection.
Thank you Kmaherali for the rough translation of VISTOL.
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Re: VIS TOL - Transliteration and Translation

Post by tasbiha »

"13th Weight(Toll)

Punishment for the ones who acquire knowledge but do not share it with others"

That's a new one for me. Is this saying that someone who is Marifati is supposed to share the wealth of his knowledge? Knowledge that non-Marifatis cannot understand? I thought Ismailis are supposed to keep all knowledge secret, except for the basic stuff.
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Re: VIS TOL - Transliteration and Translation

Post by kmaherali »

tasbiha wrote:"13th Weight(Toll)

Punishment for the ones who acquire knowledge but do not share it with others"

That's a new one for me. Is this saying that someone who is Marifati is supposed to share the wealth of his knowledge? Knowledge that non-Marifatis cannot understand? I thought Ismailis are supposed to keep all knowledge secret, except for the basic stuff.
You have raised an interesting issue. There are two modes of expressing knowledge. One is explicit and the other is implicit. The former deals with basics of religion such as the doctrines, law, rites and rituals etc. These should be readily available if asked for. If a person has this kind of knowledge and does not share it, is sinful. The latter deals with more subtle kind of knowledge such as gnosis, which cannot be communicated directly to others. However this kind of knowledge finds expression in indirect ways through action. For example when a person is happy to spend his time in solitude or is happy to live without sex, he is expressing a higher order of existence and knowledge.

The following is a pertinent verse from Kalame Mowla on this.

jo hove sab eelam-me(n) kaamal, to been peechhaane naa kaheve baat;
apanaa bhed keese naa kahenaa, jo khudaane kaameel keetee hae zhaat;
e naseehat suno yaadaj raakho, apanaa bhed keese naa kahenaa;
bhed jeeyu(n) heeraa maannak amulakh, so murakh haath nahee denaa...............99

He who has attained perfection in knowledge, speaks [about it] only when he is asked. Do not speak of your (inner) attainment to anyone when God graces you with His essence. Listen to this advice and remember it: do not speak of your (spiritual) realisation to anyone. That inner secret is precious like diamonds and rubies, do not give it away to a foolish man.
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Post by ismaili103 »

Resurrecting this thread after 18 years :lol:

Does anyone has the text (Gujarati, English, Urdu etc) of Vis Tol Granth?
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