Confusions and Questions Need Help

Discussion on doctrinal issues
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Joined: Sun Sep 17, 2017 4:56 am

Post by FayyazValani2017 »

Moula Ali Madad
Thank you for your response , as you asked earlier , which i forget to reply , no I am not Fayaz006 , i am FayyazValani :) , The interest for ismailism started 6-month ago , I was not in favour of ismailism , but then learn about it , and now i want to spread it :)

Ok i will be reading the post you mentioned , Thank you

See tell me if i am wrong or not
Khat nirinjan : The one who is not known , he is beyond human thought but through imams and prophet we can recognize him .
Universal Intellect : First Originated Being by Khat Nirinjan , All the 99 names of Allah , are actually of Universal Intellect

Universal Intellect : He is masculine , He is also called Ali , Vishnu , God The Attributes , Aql-E-Kul , Imams are manifestation of universal intellect

Universal Soul : After Worship of Universal Intellect , kind of glow came out from him which is the Universal Soul came into being , It is She , While Universal intellect is perfect in both actuality and potentially , Universal Soul is only perfect in potentially not actuality . So to find its perfect , she created the cosmos and At the end we are going to be unite with her .

You said "What you see whatever you feel like noor of Ali ,or Allah.
You see one face of HAZAR IMAM. "
i am sorry but can you explain it a bit more, Who is actually Allah , is it Hazir Imam or is he Noor of Allah , or is it Universal Intellect The Ali , As Khat nirijan is beyond everything .

You said "He puts humanity on test ,we do not test him with options and status and waste time."
But Why , Whats the reason of it , So We Worship him and if yes it is ok , but who actually is taking the test , is it Universal intellect or Khat Nirinjan

Yes please guide me ,
To Admin/Kamherali/Nuseri : But It is not clear i mean you have to go through tons of pages , and in between is so many debates kind of , it is Good [FREE KNOWLEDGE THOUGH :D] but still Its takes alot of time and confuses alot , and Point is sometime not clear . So dont you think there should be a summarize kinda things , there should be another section which gives conclusions of post , :p Sorry for that , but just an advice
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Joined: Mon Jan 06, 2003 10:37 am

Post by Admin »

All of these subjects have been discussed and have a thread specific to them.

You may read what others have already written on these subjects. Each subjects should be and have been discussed in their own appropriate thread. There are already threads for Imam before Ali, for Ali-Allah etc.. for each of your subjects.

We can not allow several subject in the same thread because else there is no point of have a Forum with different sections and threads.

Thanks you for your understanding.

Search by keyword the thread first. This is done by putting your keywords in the search (scroll up, near the Forum search)