unpublished Ginans

Discussion on ginan meanings, history etc..
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unpublished Ginans

Post by star_munir »

In this website in Ginan section there is" More notes on Unpublished Ginans" I am unable to open it.
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Post by star_munir »

Whjy unpublished Ginans are not published?
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Post by nagib »


I don't think the answer is that much complicated. All the official ressources are presently going to save the arabic and persian Ismaili litterature. Very little is done in the field of ginans.

Mukhi Lalji Devraj to whom we probably owes whatever is saved in this regard mentioned before dying that he wanted to published the remaining ginans.

What have we done since his death? Nothing beside re-publishing his work by adding and substrating and changing original words of the ginans. So it has been a good thing that we have not published the remaining ginans else we would have also corrupted those.

Few years ago, there were about 200 khojki manuscripts left at the IIS from whatever was initially collected from all over the world [maybe 400]. Do they have unpublished ginans in those khojki manuscript? Probably a lot. Do they have unpublished farmans of previous Imams [see Dubai Farman]. probably a lot. Do they have unpublished farmans of Pir Bibi Sarkar, Pir Shabuddin Shah and Pir Aga Ali Shah? Probably a lot unless someone has destroyed those manuscripts. Are those catalogued yet? Part of the collection which came from karachi was catalogued there many years ago, for the balance, God knows.

If the unpublished ginans and farmans are published by them tomorrow, will they respect the accuracy of what they find in the manuscripts? Doubtfull....

So let's wait another generation and let the next generation do this work... if they still know how to read khojki..

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Post by Admin »

Mybe some unpublished ginans can be found here

http://ocp.hul.harvard.edu/ihp/vcsearch ... Literature
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Post by shivaathervedi »

AJDMISSIONARY wrote:Please check that I have not written that Das Batiyan is unpublished.

Yes!!! The other Ham Dil Khalaq remains unpublished because it is not in lalji devraj publication. Yeah, I know that it is in other publications but you know what? The wordings have been changed. For example, the word sattar has been used instead of the original word Taranhar. Please follow the discussion at IsmailiMail. It's already there.

Don't request (Araz) I know you are buzurg. I don't like buzurg to request!!!!

Relax and recall mowla's name and take your tasbih.




Arrogant Missionary AJD, first learn to respect others, missionaries should not not be arrogant. ZIYADA URRNEY KI ZARURAT NAHI. The way you show temperament, you will get same treatment. I appreciate your enthusiasm about researching Ginans, this does not mean you are master of Ginans. You have long way to go.
Is Dus Batiya(n)a included in your booklet ' Voice of Silence ', if yes then look at your under title, you mentioned "unpublished Ginans".
Don't conclude who am I, so far we have not met!
Thanks for your advice. but I remember Mowla always: Mowla merey aagey, Mowla Merey pechhy, Mowla merey ander, Mowla merey bahir, Mowla merey upper, Mowla merey dil me(n).
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Post by Admin »

Always put the name of the work instead of vague title. If it is about unpublished ginan, put the name of the ginan with author if known, before the link so Google and other search engine can catalogue it properly.

If it is about published ginan with translation or comments, put in appropriate section under: http://www.ismaili.net/html/modules.php ... 1&start=90
Last edited by Admin on Sat Sep 23, 2017 11:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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