Doctorate H.H. The Aga Khan - Nova university in Lisbon 2017

Activities of the Imam and the Noorani family.
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Doctorate H.H. The Aga Khan - Nova university in Lisbon 2017

Post by Admin » ... an-20-july

Honoris Causa Doctorate of His Highness Shah Karim al-Hussaini, Prince Aga Khan - 20 July

Rectorate of NOVA

Universidade NOVA de Lisboa will honour His Highness Shah Karim al-Hussaini, Prince Aga Khan with the Honoris Causa Doctorate.

The event will be held on 20 July at 02:30 pm
at the Rectorate of NOVA and will count with the presence of the President of the Portuguese Republic who will co-chair the ceremony.

The laudation will be given by Professor Daniel Traça, Dean of Nova SBE and the patron will be Dr. Francisco Pinto Balsemão.
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Post by Admin »

The Lisbon ceremony this 20th July 2017 will be webcast at 2:00 PM Lisbon time ... -de-lisboa
Last edited by Admin on Thu Jul 20, 2017 12:13 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by kmaherali »

That is 9:00 AM ET, 6:00 AM PT, 7:00 AM Mountain Time.
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Post by Admin » ... -pacifico-

On the 20th (of July 2017), the Nova University of Lisbon will award the title of doctor honoris causa to His Highness Shah Karim al-Hussein, Prince Aga Khan.

Google Translation in English below the Portuguese text.

«Os homens de carácter firme são as colunas-mestras da sociedade a que pertencemos».

Ralph W. Emerson

No próximo dia 20, a Universidade Nova de Lisboa irá atribuir o título de doutor honoris causa a Sua Alteza Shah Karim al-Hussein, príncipe Aga Khan.

É o reconhecimento do nosso país pela obra que o líder espiritual dos ismaelitas tem feito por todo o mundo nas últimas seis décadas, nas mais variadas áreas: política, diplomacia, e sobretudo sociocultural.

Aliás, esta distinção atribuída por uma das mais prestigiadas universidades portuguesas acontece quando o príncipe Aga Khan já tem em curso os procedimentos para instalar em Portugal a sede mundial desta comunidade religiosa.

A inaugurar em 2018, no Palácio Henrique de Mendonça (junto ao Corte Inglés de Lisboa), pode afirmar-se que esta sede dará a Portugal o estatuto de ‘capital do Islão esclarecido e pacífico’. A sede mundial do Imamat Ismaili vem reforçar ainda mais a importância de Portugal como país tolerante e de diálogo intercultural e inter-religioso. Tirando partido da sua posição geográfica – entre o triângulo Europa-África-Médio Oriente e o Atlântico – para a resolução de conflitos e a promoção do desenvolvimento sustentável.

O Príncipe Aga Kahn, descendente direto do profeta Maomé, é o quadragésimo nono imã e o líder espiritual dos muçulmanos xiitas ismaelitas.

Comunidade de cerca de quinze milhões de pessoas a viverem em trinta países e sete regiões do mundo, conta em Portugal com cerca de sete mil elementos, muitos com raízes em Moçambique e no Paquistão.

A rede Aga Khan e a sua Fundação investem anualmente perto de 900 milhões de euros, com enfoque especial na cultura e no combate à pobreza. Organizada em onze agências, constituindo uma rede integrada e funcional, dela fazem inclusivamente parte estabelecimentos de ensino superior, como a Universidade da Ásia e a Universidade Aga Khan.

Presente em Portugal desde 1983, tem já um trabalho acumulado muito significativo, feito quer em parcerias com o Estado português (através de instituições públicas) quer em colaboração com instituições não públicas, dos sectores culturais, sociais e da solidariedade.

Do trabalho e do mandato do descendente direto do profeta Maomé fazem parte a efetiva interpretação da fé e a diminuição das desigualdades económicas e sociais – promovendo o ensino igualitário entre homens e mulheres, e daí a aposta no ensino pré-universitário e universitário.

Crítico do choque das civilizações, o príncipe Aga Khan é defensor e estimulador de um Islão esclarecido, em detrimento de um Islão ignorante e radical. É um defensor do Islão pacífico, condenando todas as interpretações e ações radicais, não confundindo tolerância com indiferença.

A rede Aga Khan para o desenvolvimento dedica também muito do seu trabalho ao fenómeno da imigração, sendo impulsionadora de uma integração dos cidadãos enquanto migrantes nas sociedades de acolhimento. A sede mundial do dito Islão ‘esclarecido e pacífico’ será inaugurada no próximo ano e terá cerca de 500 funcionários. Cinco centenas! Portugal foi o primeiro Estado não muçulmano a celebrar acordos com o Imamat. E reconheceu à rede Aga Khan um estatuto jurídico e diplomático semelhante ao semi-Estado que é o Vaticano.

A importância da sede desta rede Aga Khan também se reflectirá na relação de Portugal com países de África e da Ásia.

[email protected]


Google translation

On the 20th (of July 2017), the Nova University of Lisbon will award the title of doctor honoris causa to His Highness Shah Karim al-Hussein, Prince Aga Khan.

It is the recognition of our country for the work that the spiritual leader of the Ishmaelites has done all over the world in the last six decades, in the most varied areas: politics, diplomacy, and especially sociocultural.

In fact, this distinction attributed by one of the most prestigious Portuguese universities happens when Prince Aga Khan has already underway the procedures to install in Portugal the world headquarters of this religious community.

To be inaugurated in 2018, in the Henrique de Mendonça Palace (next to the English Court of Lisbon), it can be said that this seat will give Portugal the status of 'enlightened and peaceful Islam capital'. The world headquarters of Imamat Ismaili further reinforces the importance of Portugal as a tolerant country and of intercultural and interreligious dialogue. Taking advantage of its geographical position - between the Europe-Africa-Middle East and the Atlantic triangle - for conflict resolution and the promotion of sustainable development.

Prince Aga Kahn, the direct descendant of the Prophet Muhammad, is the forty-ninth imam and the spiritual leader of the Ismaili Shi'ite Muslims.

A community of about fifteen million people living in thirty countries and seven regions of the world, Portugal has about 7,000 members, many with roots in Mozambique and Pakistan.

The Aga Khan network and its Foundation invest annually around 900 million euros, with a special focus on culture and the fight against poverty. Organized in eleven agencies, it is an integrated and functional network. It also includes higher education institutions such as the University of Asia and Aga Khan University.

Present in Portugal since 1983, he already has a very significant accumulated work, done either in partnerships with the Portuguese State (through public institutions) or in collaboration with non-public institutions, cultural, social and solidarity sectors.

The work and mandate of the direct descendant of the Prophet Muhammad include the effective interpretation of faith and the reduction of economic and social inequalities - promoting equal education between men and women, and hence the bet on pre-university and university education.

Critical to the clash of civilizations, Prince Aga Khan is a champion and enabler of enlightened Islam, to the detriment of an ignorant and radical Islam. He is an advocate of peaceful Islam, condemning all radical interpretations and actions, not confusing tolerance with indifference.

The Aga Khan network for development also devotes much of its work to the phenomenon of immigration, and is driving the integration of citizens as migrants into host societies. The world headquarters of so-called 'enlightened and peaceful' Islam will be inaugurated next year and will have around 500 staff. Five hundred! Portugal was the first non-Muslim state to enter into agreements with Imamat. And he recognized the Aga Khan network as having a legal and diplomatic status similar to the semi-state that is the Vatican.

The importance of the headquarters of this network Aga Khan will also be reflected in the relationship of Portugal with countries in Africa and Asia.
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The Aga Khan arrives in Lisbon on 19th July 2017

Post by Admin »

H.H. The Aga Khan has arrived in Portugal this Wednesday 19 July 2017. At the airport, he was welcomed by a Guard of Honour. On Thursday 2:30pm Lisbon time (9am Toronto time), he will receive an Honorary Doctorate from Universidade NOVA de Lisboa.

The program will be webcast

Last edited by Admin on Sat Jul 22, 2017 12:46 am, edited 1 time in total.
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2017, July 20: TODAY - Universidade NOVA de Lisboa has honoured His Highness Shah Karim al-Hussaini, Prince Aga Khan with a Honoris Causa Doctorate.

Some photos of the ceremony here:



















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Post by Admin »

20 July 2017
Speech of H.H. The Aga KHan upon receiving the Doctorate Honoris Causa from Nove University in Lisbon

Aga Khan receives presidential honour in recognition of his service to humanity ... e-humanity

Lisbon, Portugal, 20 July 2017 - His Highness the Aga Khan today received one of Portugal’s highest honours – the Gra-cruz da ordem de Liberdade, or Grand Cross of the Order of Liberty – in recognition of his service to uplifting lives around the world. Portugal’s President Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa bestowed the Aga Khan with this honour during a ceremony held at Lisbon’s Belem Palace.

The Aga Khan was in Lisbon at the invitation of the Universidade NOVA de Lisboa to receive an Honorary Doctorate (Honoris Causa) for his longstanding commitment to improving the quality of life for some of the world’s vulnerable populations as well as for his efforts to promote respect for tolerance and pluralism. This visit was the first official public event for the Aga Khan since the launch of his Diamond Jubilee year, which marked 60 years as Imam (spiritual leader) of the Shia Ismaili Muslim community. His Highness offered remarks as part of the ceremony that underscored the importance of education for the world’s continued economic and social development. He praised Portugal for embracing the principles of pluralism while calling on people everywhere to partner for the strengthening of civil society and global development.

In his laudation remarks, the Dean of the NOVA School of Business, Professor Daniel Traça spoke about the partnership between the Ismaili Imamat and the University. “The Imamat’s commitment to higher education and Nova’s unwavering commitment to diversity, openness and tolerance are the underpinnings of this dialogue and partnership. A partnership that makes Lisbon a centre for Ismaili Imamat and the Ismaili Community, but also for all those around the world that strive for a new renaissance. A partnership that takes a stand in the quest for solutions to global problems,” he said.

In presenting the honorary degree to His Highness, António Rendas, the University’s Rector,recognised the efforts of the Aga Khan in establishing the Aga Khan University and the University of Central Asia – both institutions of the Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN) – which he called “one of the most comprehensive contemporary development networks in the world”.

“As Founder and Chairman of the AKDN, the Aga Khan is truly the centre of a human chain of solidarity, which crosses continents, bringing progress and innovation to mankind regardless of gender, origin and religion,” he said.

Rendas went on to emphasise the role of partnerships to improve the progress of science and education for the benefit of society at large. “We humbly feel that the road to achieve these goals is a long one because ethics, pluralism and peace are like trees that need to be watered every day,” he said. “The inspiration of our Laureate is, surely, one of the lighthouses that will help us in our pathway.”

“I hope you are willing to consider Lisbon and particularly NOVA University as a partner in making the world better with more knowledge, more culture, more social development and, above all, peace for men and women of good will,” Rendas said as he concluded his remarks.

In expressing his profound gratitude in receiving the honorary doctorate, the Aga Khan said, “I have always felt at home in Portugal, and now even more so since the signing in 2015 of an historic Agreement between the Ismaili Imamat and Portuguese Republic to establish the Seat of the Ismaili Imamat in this country – an important milestone in the 1,400-year history of the Ismaili Imamat. It marks the culmination of our long and deep relationship here – one that will now deepen further.”

Noting that universities have always served as important civil society institutions, the Aga Khan went on to cite examples of two universities of the AKDN as modern-day expressions of this long tradition of support for education among Muslim communities and the Ismaili people, namely the Aga Khan University and the University of Central Asia.

The honorary doctorate was bestowed on the Aga Khan in the presence of the President of the Republic, government officials, officials of the Seat of the Ismaili Imamat and leaders of the Ismaili community.

The Aga Khan is marking his Diamond Jubilee – or 60 years – as the 49th hereditary Imam of the Shia Ismaili Muslims. He became Imam on 11th July, 1957 at the age of 20 years, succeeding his grandfather, Sir Sultan Mahomed Shah Aga Khan.

His Highness has received numerous honorary degrees and awards in recognition of his work, including in Portugal, the Grand Cross of the Order of Prince Henry the Great, the Grand Cross of the Order of Merit and the Grand Cross of the Military Order of Christ. In 2006, the University of Évora conferred on him the degree of Doctor Honoris Causa; in 2009 he became a foreign member of the Lisbon Academy of Sciences.

The institutions of the Ismaili Imamat have been engaged in Portugal since 1983, when the Aga Khan Foundation (AKF) opened an office in Lisbon. For more than 30 years, it has worked on issues of relevance to Portugal and Europe, as well as other Portuguese-speaking countries. Its activities range from early childhood development to university education, from social inclusion of immigrants to the study of rapidly ageing populations.

In June 2015, the Portuguese Republic and the Ismaili Imamat signed a landmark agreement for the establishment of its formal Seat in Portugal. The agreement furthers cooperation between Portugal and the Ismaili Imamat in the knowledge society, through developing world-class research initiatives in Portugal that will benefit the world at large. Following this agreement, in May 2016, the Portuguese Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education and the Ismaili Imamat signed an agreement that will strengthen research capacity and improve quality of life in Portugal and in Portuguese- speaking countries.
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Speech Aga KHan Nova University 2017, Lisbon, Portugal

Post by Admin »

Acceptance Speech by His Highness The Aga Khan for the Honorary Doctorate from Universidade NOVA de Lisboa

Universidade NOVA de Lisboa in Portugal has honoured Mawlana Hazar Imam with a doctorate honoris causa

Thursday, 2017, July 20


His Highness the Aga Khan delivers his acceptance remarks upon receiving an Honorary Doctorate from Universidade NOVA de Lisboa


Your Excellency President Professor Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa
Your Excellency Vice-President of the Parliament Jorge Lacão
Honorable Rector of the NOVA University, Professor António Rendas
President of the NOVA University’s General Council, Professor Arantes e Oliveira
Patron of the Doctorate, Francisco Pinto Balsemão
Members of the Diplomatic Corps
Distinguished Guests

I am deeply honoured by this recognition from Universidade NOVA, and by the presence of so many of this country’s distinguished leaders, including the President of the Portuguese Republic. I am grateful to Mr. Francisco Pinto Balsemão, as the Patron of the Doctorate, for his warm gesture and long friendship.

The University may be young compared against the more than 700-year history of higher education in Portugal, but it has quickly developed a truly outstanding reputation for the quality of its teaching and scholarship, and for its pluralistic, global outlook – foundations that will last for centuries.

I have always felt at home in Portugal, and now ever more so since the signing in 2015 of an historic Agreement between the Ismaili Imamat and Portuguese Republic to establish the Seat of the Ismaili Imamat in this country – an important milestone in the 1,400-year history of the Ismaili Imamat. It marks the culmination of our long and deep relationship here and one that will now deepen further. While we work in 30 countries, we hold an enduring affinity for Portugal and its institutions, its history and its people. And the historic Palacete Henrique Mendonca will become the most fitting host for the Seat.

Underpinning this partnership with Portugal is our admiration for the country’s pluralism and bridge-building initiatives with people from disparate cultures and faiths.

In addition to Universidade NOVA’s significant and international partnerships, your student body now includes people from an impressive 103 countries! Your principles are embodied within your motto, and I quote, “every city divided against itself shall not stand”. The world would do well to adopt it.

The University promotes sustainable development across a range of human activity, all working together to raise the quality of human life. The Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN) also emphasises integrated approaches. In Portugal, our urban community and early childhood programmes are particularly important in driving holistic results that transform lives, across a diversity of individuals and communities.

You are purposeful about building partnerships; a true hallmark of an exceptional institution. Some of your partners are also ours, for example Catholica University and Gulbenkian Foundation. Another example is an innovative partnership between the Ismaili Imamat and the Portuguese Republic, supporting research here and in Africa. And I would also mention our work with the Agrarian Institute of Bilibiza in Mozambique to strengthen agriculture, which now seeks partnerships in Portugal. It is clear that the production of food is a critical issue for the destiny of all African countries.

Universities are important civil society institutions, and it is essential to focus on their role in the years ahead. The AKDN has two universities that, like yours, are relatively new. The Aga Khan University, started in 1983, promotes standards for healthcare and education in Pakistan, Afghanistan, the U.K. and across East Africa. More recently we started an institution in Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Kazakhstan. In naming it, we sought to signal local roots and the word “new” or “NOVA” Aga Khan University did not sound quite right! We called it University of Central Asia. Indeed, Portugal’s emphasis on learning and knowledge aligns with Islam’s emphasis on these areas.

I reiterate in closing my profound appreciation for our partnership, and for honouring me and by extension the Ismaili Imamat and the AKDN, especially as this honour comes during my Diamond Jubilee year, marking 60 years as the 49th Imam of the Shia Imami Ismaili Muslims worldwide.

Our commitment to Portugal reflects our deep respect for this country and our deep affection for its people.

Thank you.
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Post by Admin »

2nd award to Aga Khan -Lisbon, Portugal, 20 July 2017 - His Highness the Aga Khan today received one of Portugal’s highest honours – the Grand cruz da ordem de Liberdade, or Grand Cross of the Order of Liberty – in recognition of his service to uplifting lives around the world. Portugal’s President Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa bestowed the Aga Khan, Imam of Ismailis, with this honour during a ceremony held at Lisbon’s Belem Palace.



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Post by Admin » ... index.html

Portugal President Marcelo Rebelol honours The Aga Khan

Friday July 21 2017

Portugal’s President Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa bestows Portugal’s highest honours— the Grand Cross of the Order of Liberty— on The Aga Khan at the Belem Palace on July 20, 2017 in recognition of his efforts in uplifting lives around the world . PHOTO | ANTONIO PEDROSA | AKDN


In Summary

Portugal’s President Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa bestowed the Grand Cross of the Order of Liberty on the Aga Khan with at Lisbon’s Belem Palace on Thursday.

The Aga Khan was in Lisbon at the invitation of the Universidade NOVA de Lisboa to receive an Honorary Doctorate for his longstanding commitment to improving the quality of life for some of the world’s vulnerable populations.

He was also recognised for his efforts to promote respect for tolerance and pluralism.

This visit was the first official public event for the Aga Khan since the launch of his Diamond Jubilee year, which marked 60 years as Imam (spiritual leader) of the Shia Ismaili Muslim community.

In his remarks, The Aga Khan underscored the importance of education for the world’s continued economic and social development.


The Aga Khan has received one of Portugal’s highest honours in recognition of his service to uplifting lives around the world.

Portugal’s President Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa bestowed the Grand Cross of the Order of Liberty on the Aga Khan with at Lisbon’s Belem Palace on Thursday.


The Aga Khan was in Lisbon at the invitation of the Universidade NOVA de Lisboa to receive an Honorary Doctorate for his longstanding commitment to improving the quality of life for some of the world’s vulnerable populations.

He was also recognised for his efforts to promote respect for tolerance and pluralism.

This visit was the first official public event for the Aga Khan since the launch of his Diamond Jubilee year, which marked 60 years as Imam (spiritual leader) of the Shia Ismaili Muslim community.

In his remarks, The Aga Khan underscored the importance of education for the world’s continued economic and social development.

He praised Portugal for embracing pluralism while calling on people everywhere to partner for the strengthening of civil society and global development.


In his laudation remarks, the Dean of the NOVA School of Business, Professor Daniel Traça, spoke about the partnership between the Ismaili Imamat and the university.

“The Imamat’s commitment to higher education and Nova’s unwavering commitment to diversity, openness and tolerance are the underpinnings of this dialogue and partnership,” he said.

“A partnership that makes Lisbon a centre for Ismaili Imamat and the Ismaili Community, but also for all those around the world that strive for a new renaissance. A partnership that takes a stand in the quest for solutions to global problems.”

In presenting the honorary degree to The Aga Khan, António Rendas, the University’s Rector, recognised the efforts in establishing the Aga Khan University and the University of Central Asia – both institutions of the Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN) – which he called “one of the most comprehensive contemporary development networks in the world”.


“As Founder and Chairman of the AKDN, the Aga Khan is truly the centre of a human chain of solidarity, which crosses continents, bringing progress and innovation to mankind regardless of gender, origin and religion,” he said.

Rendas went on to emphasise the role of partnerships to improve the progress of science and education for the benefit of society at large.

“We humbly feel that the road to achieve these goals is a long one because ethics, pluralism and peace are like trees that need to be watered every day. The inspiration of our Laureate is, surely, one of the lighthouses that will help us in our pathway,” he said.

“I hope you are willing to consider Lisbon and particularly NOVA University as a partner in making the world better with more knowledge, more culture, more social development and, above all, peace for men and women of good will.”


In expressing his profound gratitude in receiving the honorary doctorate, the Aga Khan said, “I have always felt at home in Portugal, and now even more so since the signing in 2015 of an historic Agreement between the Ismaili Imamat and Portuguese Republic to establish the Seat of the Ismaili Imamat in this country— an important milestone in the 1,400-year history of the Ismaili Imamat. It marks the culmination of our long and deep relationship here— one that will now deepen further.”

Noting that universities have always served as important civil society institutions, the Aga Khan went on to cite examples of two universities of the AKDN as modern-day expressions of this long tradition of support for education among Muslim communities and the Ismaili people, namely the Aga Khan University and the University of Central Asia.


The honorary doctorate was bestowed on the Aga Khan in the presence of the President of the Republic, government officials, officials of the Seat of the Ismaili Imamat and leaders of the Ismaili community.

The Aga Khan is marking his Diamond Jubilee— or 60 years— as the 49th hereditary Imam of the Shia Ismaili Muslims.

He became Imam on July 11, 1957 at the age of 20 years, succeeding his grandfather, Sir Sultan Mahomed Shah Aga Khan.

His Highness has received numerous honorary degrees and awards in recognition of his work, including in Portugal, the Grand Cross of the Order of Prince Henry the Great, the Grand Cross of the Order of Merit and the Grand Cross of the Military Order of Christ.


In 2006, the University of Évora conferred on him the degree of Doctor Honoris Causa; in 2009 he became a foreign member of the Lisbon Academy of Sciences.

The institutions of the Ismaili Imamat have been engaged in Portugal since 1983, when the Aga Khan Foundation (AKF) opened an office in Lisbon.

For more than 30 years, it has worked on issues of relevance to Portugal and Europe, as well as other Portuguese-speaking countries.

Its activities range from early childhood development to university education, from social inclusion of immigrants to the study of rapidly ageing populations.


In June 2015, the Portuguese Republic and the Ismaili Imamat signed a landmark agreement for the establishment of its formal Seat in Portugal.

The agreement furthers cooperation between Portugal and the Ismaili Imamat in the knowledge society, through developing world-class research initiatives in Portugal that will benefit the world at large.

Following this agreement, in May 2016, the Portuguese Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education and the Ismaili Imamat signed an agreement that will strengthen research capacity and improve quality of life in Portugal and in Portuguese- speaking countries.
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Post by kmaherali »

Tribute by the Rector, Professor António Rendas honoring His Highness Shah Karim al-Hussaini, Prince Aga Khan at the conclusion of the Honorary Doctorate ceremony at the Universidade NOVA de Lisboa


Senhor Presidente da República, Excelência
Your Highness Prince Aga Khan
Senhor Vice-Presidente da Assembleia da República
Senhor Presidente do Conselho Geral da NOVA
Membros do Governo
Senhores Deputados
Senhores Antigos Reitores da Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Senhores Membros da Equipa Reitoral
Ilustre Padrinho, Dr. Francisco Pinto Balsemão
Corpo Diplomático
Membros da Academia
Minhas Senhoras e Meus Senhores

It is a great privilege to pay tribute to His Highness Shah Karim al-Hussaini, Prince Aga Khan. I would like to thank as a Rector for this opportunity – and also for his extraordinary contribution to the development of our dear Nova University, over the last decade.

This is a very special Honoris Causa Doctorate. By awarding the title to His Highness, Nova is not only recognizing his life and work, it is also welcoming the Ismaili Imamat and the Ismaili community of 15 million people to our neighborhood, to our city and to our country. Although separated by 1400 years of history and geography, our city and the Imamat have for centuries shared very deep values of tolerance, respect for individuality, intercultural dialogue and solidarity among humans – this is the best side of our
species and the basis of what brings us together.

Your Highness, we are proud to count you and your community among our neighbors! As an international university committed to bringing together students, academics and professionals from so many different countries, we remain devoted to the Portuguese tradition of bringing the world and its
different peoples closer.

During the course of history, the Ismailis have, under the guidance of their Imams, made significant contributions to the cultural, intellectual and religious life of Muslims and the wider human society. The University of al-Azhar and the Academy of Science, Dar al-Ilm, in Egypt and indeed the city of Cairo itself, are testimony to this contribution. Among the names that flourished under the protection of the Ismaili Imams may be noted the sage Persian Nasir Khusraw, the jurist Qadi an-Numan, the philosopher
Kermani, and the father of optics Ibn Haytham.


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Post by kmaherali »

GALLERY: Mawlana Hazar Imam in Lisbon ... mam-lisbon

Partnership and shared values celebrated as Portugal lauds Mawlana Hazar Imam ... hazar-imam

Lisbon, 21 July 2017 — Yesterday, the Portuguese Republic and the Universidade NOVA de Lisboa each bestowed honours and tributes upon Mawlana Hazar Imam. The visit to Portugal was Hazar Imam’s first official public event since the commencement of his Diamond Jubilee.

Lisbon, 21 July 2017 — Portugal lauded Mawlana Hazar Imam yesterday, as the Portuguese Republic and the Universidade NOVA de Lisboa each bestowed honours and tributes upon him.

His Excellency Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, President of Portugal decorated Mawlana Hazar Imam with the Grã-Cruz da Ordem da Liberdade — or Grand Cross of the Order of Liberty — in recognition of his service to uplifting lives around the world. The evening ceremony took place at Palácio de Belém, the official residence of the President of the Republic.

Earlier in the day, the President had co-chaired another ceremony, in which Mawlana Hazar Imam received an honorary doctorate from the Universidade NOVA de Lisboa. The leaders of the university extolled the work of the Imamat and the Aga Khan Development Network over the past six decades.

“Although separated by 1 400 years of history and geography, our city and the Imamat have for centuries shared very deep values of tolerance, respect for individuality, intercultural dialogue and solidarity among humans,” said Professor Daniel Traça, Dean of the NOVA School of Business. “I trust, Your Highness , that you will find in our University and in the peoples of our great city and our great country true partners in your quest to make a difference around the world.”

Partnership and the opportunity to work together in making a meaningful difference in the world were prominent themes in the Dean’s remarks, as NOVA welcomed the establishment of the Seat of the Ismaili Imamat in Lisbon. The promotion of global dialogue, the embrace of human diversity and cooperation among peoples have long been part of the Portuguese spirit and the work of the Imamat.

“His Highness carries the historical commitment and mandate of the Imamat. Nova continues a tradition of more than 500 years in which our city has been a centre stage for the mixing of the cultures and the races of the world. That is why I believe that the Imamat will find in Lisbon a uniquely welcoming and safe place to build their home,” said Professor Traça.

The warm welcome was echoed by its Rector, Professor António Rendas, who presented Mawlana Hazar Imam with the Doctorate (Honoris Causa) for Hazar Imam’s longstanding commitment to improving the quality of life for some of the world’s vulnerable populations as well as for his efforts to promote respect for tolerance and pluralism.

“Your Highness, I sincerely hope that you feel at home in Portugal and that you feel that Portugal is also part of your home.” The Rector invited Hazar Imam “to consider Lisbon and particularly NOVA University as a partner in making the world better with more knowledge, more culture, more social development and, above all, peace for men and women of goodwill.”

The visit is Mawlana Hazar Imam’s first official public event since the commencement of his Diamond Jubilee on Imamat Day, 11 July 2017, which marked the 60th anniversary of his Imamat. In June 2015, the Portuguese Republic and the Ismaili Imamat signed a landmark agreement for the establishment of its formal Seat in Portugal. The agreement furthers cooperation between Portugal and the Ismaili Imamat that will benefit the world at large.

Mawlana Hazar Imam expressed his deep appreciation to the university, to Portugal and its leaders, and particularly to the President of the Republic.

“I have always felt at home in Portugal,” said Mawlana Hazar Imam, “and now ever more so since the signing in 2015 of an historic agreement between the Ismaili Imamat and Portuguese Republic to establish the Seat of the Ismaili Imamat in this country – an important milestone in the 1 400-year history of the Ismaili Imamat.”

“Our commitment to Portugal reflects our deep respect for this country and our deep affection for its people,” said Hazar Imam.

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Aga Khan receives presidential honour in recognition of his service to humanity

Lisbon, Portugal, 20 July 2017 - His Highness the Aga Khan today received one of Portugal’s highest honours – the Gra-cruz da ordem de Liberdade, or Grand Cross of the Order of Liberty – in recognition of his service to uplifting lives around the world. Portugal’s President Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa bestowed the Aga Khan with this honour during a ceremony held at Lisbon’s Belem Palace.


Presidente da Republica condecorou o Aga Khan
Presidente da Republica condecorou o Aga Khan

Em cerimónia realizada esta tarde no Palácio de Belém, o Presidente da República condecorou Sua Alteza o Príncipe Aga Khan com a Grã Cruz da Ordem da Liberdade.

Antes, na Universidade Nova de Lisboa, o líder da Comunidade Ismaelita foi distinguido com o título de Doutor Honoris Causa, distinção atribuída pelo Reitor da UNL, Professor António Rendas, tendo por Padrinho o Dr. Francisco Pinto Balsemão em cerimónia copresidida por Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa.

Ambas as cerimónias se enquadram nas celebrações do Jubileu de Diamante do Príncipe Aga Khan, que celebra 60 anos enquanto líder espiritual dos muçulmanos ismaelitas do mundo inteiro.
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