agakhani wrote:I have observed for a long time let say more than 30 years that jamati members from Pakistan and central Asia started to give more importance to qasidas in comparison with ginans, this is what happened because they do not really understood piratan concept at all! It is a pity not only for them but it is a pity of Ismaili tariqa bord too; which didnot taught them about our ginans and pirs properly.
I have also seen that they give more Impotence to Dai Nasir Khushru rather than pir Sadardin and pir Shams! Which is sad. and therefore I wrote for Nuseri and those peoples who are freom central Asia needs to take another birth to better understand about ginans and piratan concepts for me N. Khushru " piro ki juti ke barabar bhi nabi." sorry for my language but it is true.
When I hear these type these types of claims, i feel really sad that inspite of our beloved Imam emphasizing so much about pluralism, yet we still try to take sides and play favours, especially amongst ourselves. We won't make Imam happy by taking side, like Ginan is better/more important than Qasita. Or Pir Sadruddin is higher than Nasir Khusraw. Do you really think Imam would be happy, by that?
Since you brought it up agakhani brother, let me give you my prespective. I would never wanted to say anything about these topics, but since YOU brought it up, then hear me out please.
I really believe if we learnt our Ismaili history, from Hazrat Ali, down to MHI, then we won't have these issues. If we know our own Ismailie history then we know who Nasir Khusraw is or Who Pir Sadruddin is. Most of these issues arise out of ignorance and dis-information.
Now you say tariqa board failed to teach jama'at of central asia about Ginan and history of indian sub-contenant ismailies. Then, one from central asian jama'at can say the same thing about not teaching about central asian jama'at and history! It goes both ways.
Just a little history here. Imams and Dais ruled from somewhere around 11th centry during the Fatimide period for a long time. Then the period of Alamut. All these are Persian ruled Imams and have great works and Qasida is only one genr of work that Imams and Dais/Pirs of the time left behind for us. So, I am not sure whose history should be tought to who, first?
Now, you say central asian jama'at started to give more importance to Qasida than Ginan; why does that bother you? The importance of Ginan is still at its place. People who knows Ginan can still benifit from it?
I really hope not to see these type of side taking from my brothers. Anyone who does it, they need to be educated and become aware of our Ismaili history, than kept blind in their own history alone.