Alykhan Velshi

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Alykhan Velshi

Post by shiraz.virani »

How many of us are aware that this s**mbag is a pro-israel ??

He is the same guy who is supposed to be an ismaili muslim residing in canada who supported George Bush[USA] during the war in Iraq which killed over 1 million innocent muslims , most of em children and pregnant woman whose child died before even coming to existence !!

He is the same guy who is supposed to be an ismaili muslim who stopped all the necessary aid needed by the muslims of palestine/lebanon after their homes were bombed by Israeli solders....who forcebly took over lebanon and restricted over 1.5 miilion people [mostly muslims] to live in an area not more that 150 miles......The people in this region till today live in the house made of mud and the rubble left over after bombing :( ....The people in this region till today live in terror and are being forced to give away their land

He is the same guy who is supposed to be an ismaili muslim who fought against the admission of George Galloway , the the british MP into canada why ? Because George Galloway openly ridiculed USA and its allies for going into Iraq with a pack of lies i.e there were no WMD found in Iraq......there was no evidance that Iraq operated along with Al-Qaida [Imaginary organisation] ....Its the same George Galloway who was framed as the puppet of saddam hussain who inturn not only warned the world but also suddam hussain of the possible invasion of iraq to which saddam turned a blind eye.....This Alykhan Velshi did all he could ie publish false documents in the paper that accuses George Galloway of being a puppet of hamas and taliban where as today we can clearly see who is the enemy and who is our ally

This is what our imams[as] died for ??? Being a slave of western govt ??? Im ashamed to say iam an ismaili muslim when this s**mbag openly acts as pro israel when we know the cause of problem in the middle east is not hamas or lebanon but the govt of ISRAEL itself

George Galloway

On March 20, 2009, a Canadian border official refused British MP George Galloway permission to enter Canada, likely based on the "preliminary decision of inadmissibility" made by the Canadian government. Velshi told the media that the Canadian government would not reverse this decision, stating that Galloway had expressed sympathy for the Taliban cause in Afghanistan and describing him as an "infandous street-corner Cromwell who actually brags about giving 'financial support' to Hamas, a terrorist organisation banned in Canada. The decision to ban Galloway was supported by the Canadian Jewish Congress, B'nai Brith Canada and the far-right Jewish Defence League of Canada, which took credit for initiating the action. It was subsequently noted that Velshi had begun preparing media lines regarding Galloway several days before the ban was announced.

Galloway described the decision to forbid him entry as "irrational, inexplicable and an affront to Canada's good name", adding that it "further vindicated the anti-war movement's contention that unjust wars abroad will end up consuming the very liberties that make us who we are". He threatened legal action against the Harper government, asserting that he was not a supporter of terrorism and was not barred from entering any other country, including Israel.

Velshi defended the Kenney's decision to the media, saying that the minister would not "provide special treatment to a man who brags about giving 'financial support' to Hamas, a banned terrorist organization in Canada, or who offers sympathy for Canada's enemies in Afghanistan [...]."

The National Post suggested that Galloway did support Hamas by citing a 2007 interview in which he described them as a national liberation movement rather than a terrorist organization. Galloway later stated, "I don't raise money for Hamas. That's just a false statement. I am not now, nor have I ever been, a supporter of Hamas."

New Democratic Party MP Olivia Chow accused the Harper government of censorship for refusing to allow Galloway to speak in Canada. Galloway was ultimately not able to enter Canada, but instead addressed his supporters by a video link.

On September 27, 2010, Federal Court judge Richard Mosley found that Kenney's office had acted inappropriately, using "a flawed and overreaching interpretation of the standards under Canadian law for labelling someone as engaging in terrorism or being a member of a terrorist organization." He also determined that the Canadian Border Services Agency had produced its assessment of Galloway on scant evidence after receiving instructions from Velshi. Noting that Velshi had told reporters the decision to bar Galloway was made on national security grounds, Mosley wrote, "one might hope that a ministerial aide would exercise greater restraint in purporting to speak on behalf of the government, his comments to the press amount to little more than posturing." In October 2010, Galloway said he would sue the Canadian Government for breaching his privacy rights and branding him a terrorist and later won :)

This coward Velshi instead of supporting those innocent people in hamas whose daughters are raped, whose kids die due to the phosphorus bombs that are thrown at them.....Pregnant woman giving birth to a child with abnormality, a mans whole family[of 7 members] killed including children whose heart became as hard as the stone with this incident.....Instead of supporting the innocent people of palentine this guy is supporting those who are doing injustice ???

May the curse of allah[swt] be upon him and his future generations .

Below is the video where George Galloway was framed in a scam by the US govt ......look at his reply and how he turned the table on the US USA , please watch all the 5 parts of the video and decide by yourself !! ... re=related [part 1] ... re=related [part 2] ... re=related [part 3]

and so on..... total 5 parts , pleaseeeeeeeeeee watch it !!

Thank you,

Yaa ali madad
Khuda Hafiz
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Post by kmaherali »

I think there are two issues that need to be considered in this situation. First, our faith/community is apolitical, each individual can have his/her political opinion. Below is a quote from MHI's speech in this regard.

"Although as a community the Ismailis will never be involved in politics, individually they may well play a constructive part in their country's political developments. Some of your leaders here are doing this with great distinction."

Secondly, we have to follow closely the thinking of the Imam and hence we should not contradict the Imam if he has expressed an opinion about certain issues. In one of his interviews he said:

"The Community always follows very closely the personal way of thinking of the Imam. It's one of the particularities of Ismailis."

On the situation in the Middle East MHI has expressed some opinions as per interview below.

"GM: Can you take one of those few questions that you think the media should have asked themselves, perhaps the last one, what is the motivation of those who have carried out these acts? Can you offer us your insight into that?

AK: Well, I think that what we are seeing is probably, and I wouldn't say it's the only reason, but I think we're seeing from part of the Islamic world a sense of profound injustice which has been part of our history for many, many decades. And because there is this sense of profound injustice, which has never been corrected, perhaps never recognized, that part of the Islamic world has reacted. And has said ‘why are we being treated unjustly?' And worse, ‘why is this injustice specific to one part of our world?' In other words, you look at other areas of the world, now I'm purely talking about the Middle East, but you look at other parts of the world, the Western world has been generally equitable, but there is a profound sense of inequity with regard to the Middle East. What happens? What happens is that when you have these areas of perceived injustice, whether it's the Middle East, whether it's the Philippines, whether it's Kashmir, whether it's even Northern Ireland, whether it's Sri Lanka, what happens over time is that these areas of injustice or perceived injustice or perhaps both, end up overcoming internationalists. This sickness, if you want, goes outside of the frontiers of the area of concern. Sri Lanka, you know what happened. The Philippines you can see it today. And so I think that the lesson from this, one of the lessons, is that these international situations of crisis cannot be allowed to continue year after year after year because in the end, they create an international security issue. So that's the way I would interpret this, I think that's really the basis of it.

GM: What are the injustices that you see in the Islamic world that they might particularly be reacting against?

AK: I think certainly the Palestinian situation is one which is perceived by the Arab world and many people in the Islamic world look upon as an injustice. I think the Kashmir situation is another one where there is a sense of incorrectitude in the way events have evolved since the partition of India into India and Pakistan. If you take the case of Mindanao -- the situation started if I can recollect, somewhere around the mid-sixties -- this was a community of people who felt that they were isolated, abandoned, left aside from the development process in this country. So it's these situations, and it's not only in the Islamic world, that's the point I want to make. I don't want, or I'd like to avoid the feeling that this is specific to the Islamic world. It's much more specific to ethnic differences, demographic differences, economic inequity, political situations which remain unresolved."
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Post by shiraz.virani » ... eorge.html

He is the same guy who accused Kofi Annan's legacy as the UN Secretary general as a "failure" ....The heading of the article written by Mr.Velshi was " Will the UN appoint another crook ??" ....Yeh right !! Now we know who the actual crook is/was !!!

Kofi Annan , a noble peace prize winner was against all the wars that he saw during his tenure.....During the build-up to the 2003 invasion of Iraq, Annan called on the United States and the United Kingdom not to invade without the support of the United Nations. In a September 2004 interview on the BBC, when questioned about the legal authority for the invasion, Annan said he believed it was not in conformity with the UN charter and was illegal

On 19 September 2006, Annan gave a farewell address to world leaders gathered at the UN headquarters in New York, in anticipation of his retirement on 31 December. In the speech he outlined three major problems of "an unjust world economy, world disorder, and widespread contempt for human rights and the rule of law", which he believes "have not resolved, but sharpened" during his time as Secretary-General. He also pointed to violence in Africa, and the Arab-Israeli conflict as two major issues warranting attention.

On 11 December 2006, in his final speech as Secretary-General, delivered at the Harry S. Truman Presidential Library in Independence, Missouri, Annan recalled Truman's leadership in the founding of the United Nations. He called for the United States to return to President Truman's multilateralist foreign policies, and to follow Truman's credo that "the responsibility of the great states is to serve and not dominate the peoples of the world". He also said that the United States must maintain its commitment to human rights, "including in the struggle against terrorism."

Thousands of our brothers and sisters are getting shot at, bombed every single day by the israelis under the supervision of USA govt.....and this s**mbag velshi who himself proclaims to be a devout muslim is doing completely different than what imam is trying to do bring peace !!!

When will the people of canada wake up ???
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Post by shiraz.virani »

Alykhan Velshi on Islamic Fundamentalism
“You’re either with us,” said President George W. Bush, in a much-maligned speech delivered after 9/11, “or you’re with the terrorists.” At the time, our thoughts turned to whether the United States of America and her allies would have the steel to fight the war on terrorism to a victorious conclusion. Since then, a goodly number of America’s allies have wobbled, especially over Iraq, but even they realize that the United States is not the bad guy. One cannot say the same for the many Muslims living in the West who have yet to pick a side in the war on terrorism.
Wait now hold on a second !!!.....What does 9/11 have to do with Iraq ?? ....As reported in early 2006-07 it was the US govt itself who declared that

1] There was no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, which today is the known fact !!!

2] There is no Al-Qaeda in Iraq

3] Saddam was not involved in 9/11

4] People who killed US solders by blowing themselves up in Iraq were neither Iraqi/Irani but................Saudi's ....Oh wait you dont agree to this ?? Lets see what the republican presidental candidate for 2012 have to say on this !!

It shouldn’t be a difficult choice for Muslims. There is nothing in the Koran that sanctions violence on the scale we saw in London on 7/7, Madrid on 3/11, or New York on 9/11. There’s no passage endorsing suicide bombing, or its 7th-century equivalent. Indeed, suicide is a mortal sin in Islam: Muslims know this, and they also know that al Qaeda plays fast and loose with the Koran to justify its nihilist ideology. And yet, disquietingly, most have chosen to sit out this war — to remain insouciant while terrorists and brigands hijack their religion.
Now this drunkard Velshi wants to turn to the holy quran for guidance ?? Where was this s**mbag when there was a mass invasion in Iraq that killed and shattered over 1 million Iraqis ??

Brothers and Sisters google all the above attacks and see for yourself who actually masterminded these attacks !!!

And the question to be asked is ......Who created Al-Qaeda ?? PUSSY[Velshi] run !!!!
The subway attacks in London have demonstrated once and for all the necessity for moderate Muslims to openly repudiate Islamist extremism. Two underground stations that were targeted — King’s Cross and Aldgate East — were hubs for ordinary Londoners going about their business. But the third target, Edgware Road Station, was different.

Edgware Road is in an area heavily populated with Arab Muslims. Walking down Edgware Road in the evening, one sees Middle Eastern restaurants brimming over with young Muslims eating ethnic fare, smoking flavored tobacco in water pipes, drinking mint tea, and generally enjoying themselves. The London terror attacks — indeed, al Qaeda’s war against civilization — is against these moderate Muslims, too. It is a war against an Islam that is tolerant, adaptable to Western society, and that preaches respect and peace.
Couldn't help but laugh at this statement......By moderate muslims does Velshi means those for whom drinking alcohol is legal ?? Selling Alcohol is legal ? Promoting gambling is legal ?? Wearing revealing clothes is legal ??.....Promoting two faced ideology is legal ?? .......If given the chance Velshi would not only sell his faith [ which he already did ] but also would sell his own imam for some gains !!!!
What is more, another extremist group recently set up shop on campus, and invited a speaker who expressed his support for a nuclear Iran and a “global Islamic caliphate.” All this occurs because school authorities look the other way, refusing to monitor campus Islamic groups which are increasingly being taken over by extremists. When even Islamic civil society is controlled by fanatics and terror partisans, there is very little, if anything, that moderate Muslims can do. It is a sobering, sad, and thoroughly dispiriting truth.
In my above response I already spoke about dual standards of Velshi i.e , its ok for USA,FRANCE,UK,ISRAEL,CANADA to have WMD but its not ok if Iran wants to acquire some, why ?? Bcoz if it does then there would be the race in middle east and every country would try to acquire it......which means !!! ......No more wars for USA , No more control over the dollar nor the oil !!!

How is it that the same US govt gave over 200 WMD to Israel and now going against Iran ??

What moderate muslims could do ? ....Wake up and smell the coffee !!! ....Our Imam Ali[as] the lion of allah[swt] stood up against any injustice.....he was the symbol of tolerance but at the same time he was a warrior for peace. All the kafirs used to pee when they used to fight against Imam Ali[as] !!

We all have Ali[as] in us.....We are his followers !!!! ......could we let these s**mbags like Velshi who are naam ka ismaili to brainwash us and deviate us from the truth ??

Is this what was taught by all our imams[as] ?? ......How can we manage our DIN and DUNIYA where we turn blind eye towards injustice to our brothers and sisters [Be it shia,sunni,christian,jew or anyone] and at the end of the day go to JK and say TOBO TOBO ???

There is no DIN and DUNIYA for us brothers and sisters , its DIN and INJUSTICE as the duniya where we live in is filled with people like Alykhan Velshi who suck the blood out of tax payers and brainwash them !

Time to stand up and ask questions to this so called devout ismaili = Alykhan Velshi !!.....If you get to see him ask him that he sold his soul whats next ???

Quran XLIV/43-50: LO! the tree of Zaqqum (The tree that grows in the heart of hell bearing fruits like devil's heads) - the food of the sinner. Like molten brass, it seetheth in their bellies as the seething of boiling water. (And it will be said): Take him and drag him to the midst of hell, then pour upon his head the torment of boiling water. Saying: TASTE! LO! thou wast forsooth the mighty, the noble! Lo! this is that whereof ye used to doubt.

Yaa Ali Madad
Khuda Hafiz
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Post by Admin »

If I see any more insults, either fully written or even written with *** I will delete the posts. There is always a polite way to write things and this is what we require on this web site. Anger never leads anywhere.
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Post by shiraz.virani »

Pushed to the Left and Loving It

If Jason Kenney was anymore transparent, he'd disappear (wishful thinking, I know).

In his usual muster and bluster he claimed not to have anything to do with George Galloway being barred from Canada. But if I actually believed anything Jason Kenney said I would have myself committed.

Besides, most of these decisions have very little to do with him. When cornered he sweats, cries and takes a runner, right back to his buddy Alykhan Velshi, another throwback from the Bush administration.

From the first e-mail that Mr. Kenney’s communications director, Alykhan Velshi, sent on March 16, 2009, at 2:09 p.m. to immigration bureaucrats – the subject line was “inadmissible” – only 102 minutes passed before an official in the National Security section of the CBSA had agreed that Mr. Galloway should be barred for being a member of a terrorist organization. ...

It was Mr. Kenney’s communications’ aide, Mr. Velshi, who set the wheels in motion a few days before, on March 16.

He sent an e-mail at 2:09 p.m. to the Immigration Department’s director-general of communications, Edison Stewart, saying he had a media call asking “why we’re letting in the following person even though he’s publicly called for money to go to a banned terrorist entity in Canada [Hamas] and that makes him inadmissible.”

Velshi cut his teeth at the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies, a right-wing war-mongering group that propped up George Bush.

This is what SourceWatch has to say about the founding of FDD.

In early 2001, a tightly knit group of billionaire philanthropists conceived of a plan to win American sympathy for Israel's response to the Palestinian intifada. They believed that the Palestinian cause was finding too much support within crucial segments of the American public, particularly within the media and on college campuses, so they set up an organization, Emet: An Educational Initiative, Inc., to offer Israel the kind of PR that the Israeli government seemed unable to provide itself.

"The Palestinian cause was finding too much support."

Galloway wasn't barred from Canada because he provided humanitarian aide to Palestine, with the consent of the British government, I might add. He was barred because he was going to speak to Canadians about why we should be supporting the Palestinian cause.

When Canada was a democracy we would never have put up with this nonsense.

The battle between Alykhan Velshi [Paid agent of Israel] and George Galloway [british MP and supporter of freedom for palestine] started in mid 2008 which ended in a victory not just for Mr.Galloway but for the millions of palestinians that live within 150 mile radius.
enojy :)
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