I was looking at some of the charts on this website, and i came across this one: http://www.ismaili.net/histoire/main.html
It's called the Tableau Synoptique
According to this chart, Imam Ala Ziqri Salam was born on 1152, and Imam Ala Mohamad was born on 1155. This would imply that Imam Ziqri Salam was 3 years old when he had his son?
However, on this page: http://www.ismaili.net/history_two/chapter5.html#4
It says that Imam Ala Ziqri Salam was 32 years old when he became Imam in the year 557 AH, this would mean he was born on 525 AH. Imam Ala Mohamad was 19 years old when he became Imam in 561 AH. Therefore, he was born in the year 542 AH. This means that Imam Ziqri Salam was 17 years old when his son was born, which makes a lot more sense.
I've been wondering about it ever since i've looked at this chart. Is there a typo?
Thank You in advance