
Discussion on ginan meanings, history etc..
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Post by ZAly »

:( Why do we give more importance to the Ginan's than the Quran. Quran is the word of God, shouldnt we be reciting Quran in JK instead of Ginans
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Post by kmaherali »

The Holy Quran caters to a broader audience and interpretations. The Ginans represent our interpretation of the Quran and hence are more specific to our view of life and our needs.

"Many times I have recommended to my spiritual children that they should remember Ginans, that they should understand the meaning of these Ginans and that they should carry these meanings in their hearts.
It is most important that my spiritual children from wherever they may come should, through the ages and from generation to generation, hold to this tradition which is so special, so unique and so important to my Jamat."
Karachii. 16lh Decembei. 1964
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Post by ZAly »

I have heard of that farman, But QURAN is divine scripture whereas Ginans were written by PIRs. How can we compare the two. God clearly says in the Quran that it is for everyone.
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Post by razinizar »

Quran is a Word of God. There are different Scholors in every sectors made interpertation/explanation of Quranic Verse. I think the Ginans are the Essence/Explanation of Quran by our pir with respect to mentality of Indian people. Quran of-course has greater, much greater significant then anyother book in the world bcoz it is the word of Allah. but like in ismaili Tariqa Ginan is just the explanation of Quran for the people who don't have a level of understanding the Quran. i.e. Indian People of that time
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Post by ZAly »

Thank you for the response. This has been causing me great concern, because I have started reading the Quran regularly, more so than the Ginans. My friends have been after me and telling me that this is against our belief.<BR><BR>Like you said Ginans were written by mortals, no doubt better than mere mortals but incomparable with God who is the author of the Divine scripture Quran.<BR><BR>
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Post by kmaherali »

ZAly wrote:I have heard of that farman, But QURAN is divine scripture whereas Ginans were written by PIRs. How can we compare the two. God clearly says in the Quran that it is for everyone.
In our tradition the Farmans of the Imams/Pirs are also the words of God addressing the current needs/requirements as opposed to the needs of the past. That is the difference between our tradition and others.

In our tradition, the Pirs are not ordinary mortals. They are highly elevated souls who are from the 'Ahl-i-Bayt' and are appointed by the Imam of the time for the office. According to a Farman of Imam Sultan Muhammad Shah, the Ginans are equivalent to the Farmans and are our interpretation of the Quran.

As I stated earlier, the Quran caters to a broader audience and therefore can be ambiguous sometimes. The Ginans on the other hand represent our interpretation of the Quran and hence concepts such as 'Ulil amr', 'zakat' which are unclear/ambiguous in the Quran, have been clarified in our Ginans and are given specific meaning relevant to our tradition/tariqah.
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Post by star_munir »

"The mysteries of the Ginans contain the knowledge and understanding of the three worlds (heaven, earth and undersurface) Only a few realised saints have this understanding. Their vision encompasses every thing and their eyes are countless." (Pir SatgurNur)

Pir Sadardin tells in Ginan Sree Islam Shah amnay alya that "By understanding love I have composed these Ginans and have patience in My heart........."
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Post by star_munir »

Also dont think Ginans of least importance

" I , Indra Imamdin am the master of all the masters. We are the disciples of house of the incomprehensible Person (Imam of the time)"

( Ginan..aad thakee ek soon nipaya by Syed Imam Shah)

"The mainfest Guide from the begining is Shams. He is indeed the one who has wandered through numerous ages."
(Ginan...aad Gur Shams munaver jaan. by Pir Shams)

"The descendant of Hazrat Hassan and Imam Hussain in indeed Hassan Shah. Recognise the name of Pir Hassan Kabirdin as the progeny of the Imam."
(Anant Akhado verse 59)

"O momins regard the Pirs as the progeny of Imam. It is due to faith in this authority that you will over come the difficulties of crossing over the ocean of material exisitence."
(Ginan Sab ghat saami maro bharpur brtha...Pir Sadardin)
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